Doo – Get Things Done for Mac 1.0.1 激活版 – 卡片式简约任务日历提醒工具


2016-06-26 3,818 百度已收录

Doo - Get Things Done 是一款Mac上非常好用的事项提醒工具Doo 的设计思路非常简明有效:你所添加的待办事项,将按照时间顺序形成事件流。其中,只有当下需要完成的任务,会形成卡片,让你一眼看到。而你,只需埋头完成卡片上的任务就可以了,而不再因长长的待办清单心烦意乱,很不错!

[Doo 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币18元]

Doo – Get Things Done for Mac 1.0.1 介绍

“I absolutely love this app... *incredibly* satisfying...” - Buzzfeed on Doo for iOS

Turn your reminders into cards that help you focus and teach you better habits. Work small to achieve big.

Featured by Apple as one of the Best New Apps on iOS


  • A unique, card-based interface
  • Beautiful illustrations that add personality and warmth
  • Custom repeat schedules
  • Custom snooze options
  • Custom date options, including early and optional alerts per reminder
  • Schedule view
  • Card reordering and prioritization
  • iCloud syncing across iOS + Mac
  • Create to-dos from other apps with the share extension
  • No sign-up forms and no “pro” unlock required


Doo is designed to teach you better habits. Each reminder you create becomes a card. The best cards are short and sweet. Smaller tasks are more achievable and set you up for success. The more you can turn big projects into smaller tasks, the more Doo can help.

When you open the app, you’ll get a stack of cards that need your attention. The stack will only show you reminders that are due or open-ended. You can focus on clearing your stack, one card at a time. There’s no need to worry about any others.

Swipe up to mark a card complete or down to snooze it for later. Swipe left or right to skip. Use the list view to see what’s upcoming or to sort your stack.

Your reminders display one of eighteen beautiful illustrations based on their topic. This makes using Doo an inviting, more engaging experience. Cards can pick one of four default images if no topic is recognized so your cards always look great.

iCloud syncing keeps you up-to-date across your iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, and Mac. Reminders created on one device are automatically pushed to the others. And if you lose a device, all your data is restored so you can pick up where you left off.

Read an article, save an address, and everything in between. Use the share icon in almost any app to add a new reminder.

Doo includes full VoiceOver support. Take advantage of every feature without looking at the screen.

Get Doo and get things done!


Our first Mac update!

  • Fixes a multi-monitor display bug in menu bar mode
  • Removes the dock icon while in menu bar mode
  • Removes Doo from the app switcher while in menu bar mode
  • Updates the right-click snooze design to reduce clicks
  • Adds undo (Command + Z) support for completion and snooze
  • Adds a new toggle for automatically deleting completed reminders
  • Adds four new default images with more coming soon. Squidy we hardly knew ye!
  • Removed the 1 week snooze preset
  • Modified the 10 minute snooze preset to be 15 minutes for consistency
  • Updates syncing and error handling
  • Adds the version and build numbers to the Settings app
  • Misc bug fixes

Enjoying Doo? Please give us a review! We read every comment and tweet. Thoughts and suggestions are all always taken into consideration as we plan future updates.

Need help or want to send feedback? Please write us at or message us on Twitter @getdooapp. We can't respond to App Store reviews, so please reach out if anything seems broken.

Doo – Get Things Done for Mac 1.0.1 激活版 – 卡片式简约任务日历提醒工具-麦氪派
Doo – Get Things Done for Mac 1.0.1 激活版 – 卡片式简约任务日历提醒工具-麦氪派
Doo – Get Things Done for Mac 1.0.1 激活版 – 卡片式简约任务日历提醒工具-麦氪派
Doo – Get Things Done for Mac 1.0.1 激活版 – 卡片式简约任务日历提醒工具-麦氪派
Doo – Get Things Done for Mac 1.0.1 激活版 – 卡片式简约任务日历提醒工具-麦氪派

Doo – Get Things Done for Mac 1.0.1 下载

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