Disk Sensei for Mac 1.3 破解版 – 优秀的硬盘维护工具


2016-07-07 4,452 百度已收录

Disk Sensei 是一款Mac上优秀的硬盘维护工具,支持几乎具有所有硬盘相关的功能,比如显示硬盘各项信息、硬盘健康指标分析、性能测试、清理、磁盘使用情况等等功能,界面设计也很美观,非常强大的一款硬盘维护工具。

[Disk Sensei 在官网上售价19.99美元,约合人民币120元]

Disk Sensei for Mac 1.3 介绍

Disk Sensei 的设计思路不算新鲜,作者有丰富的硬盘管理软件编程经验,根据 19.99 美元的售价你也可以猜到开发者的目的,大而全是 Oskar 的目标,但我在使用2天后发现,从使用频率角度来看,仅有 Visual 频道的硬盘文件检索, Tools 频道的清理功能(Clean)以及硬盘监控(Monitor)有频繁的使用需求,其他功能也是一年半载不会打开的,对于 OS X 入门用户来说,Dashboard (显示硬盘各项信息),Health(硬盘健康指标分析),Benchmark (性能测试,即:跑分)都很有噱头。

Meet Disk Sensei, the most advanced disk performance tool for Mac. We have created a Swiss-Army knife for your Mac, with powerful features to monitor, maintain, and enhance storage performance and utilization. Disk Sensei is the world's first software of its kind. With a strong focus on clean design and easy-to-use features, it is an advanced disk performance tool that you don’t have to be a computer professional to understand.

Disk Sensei provides features to:

  • Monitor drive usage and statistics
  • Analyze and explain drive health
  • Visualize drive content to help users understand and maintain their file system
  • Clean out space-hogging caches, logs, and other large files
  • Optimize drive performance and free up space through advanced OS X tweaks
  • Enable Trim for solid-state drives
  • First software to offer manual trim for solid state drives
  • Benchmark drives and compare their performance
Disk Sensei for Mac 1.3 破解版 – 优秀的硬盘维护工具-麦氪派
Disk Sensei for Mac 1.3 破解版 – 优秀的硬盘维护工具-麦氪派
Disk Sensei for Mac 1.3 破解版 – 优秀的硬盘维护工具-麦氪派

Disk Sensei for Mac 1.3 下载

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