Disk Health for Mac 1.3 激活版 – 优秀的系统垃圾清理工具


2017-02-08 2,624 百度已收录

Disk Health 是一款Mac上优秀的系统垃圾清理重复文件查找工具,类似CleanMyMac等应用,可以快速的扫描和清理系统的垃圾文件,很实用!

[Disk Health 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币30元]

Disk Health for Mac 1.3 介绍

Disk Health gives you 2-in-1. Clean tons of unneeded files from your Mac's drive, and find duplicate files with just a drag-and-drop. We have combined two essential utilities in one effective app, with a gorgeous and user-friendly interface, suited for macOS and Retina displays, as well as for standard displays and previous OS X versions. Disk Health is fast, reliable and easy to use. Reclaim dozen of gigabytes of valuable hard drive space. In just a few clicks you can empty:

  • Application caches
  • Applications logs
  • Browser cache and data (Safari, Chrome and Firefox)
  • Mail downloads folder
  • Downloads folder
  • iOS old updates
  • Large files (files within your user folder that are greater than a size you choose, default 100 MB)
  • Old files (files within your user folder that are older than a date you choose, default 1 year)
  • Trash can

Find and remove duplicate files from folders and internal hard drive as well as removable ones. Disk Health is one of the most comprehensive and powerful tools available to clean and speed up your Mac.

Disk Health for Mac 1.3 激活版 – 优秀的系统垃圾清理工具-麦氪派
Disk Health for Mac 1.3 激活版 – 优秀的系统垃圾清理工具-麦氪派
Disk Health for Mac 1.3 激活版 – 优秀的系统垃圾清理工具-麦氪派
Disk Health for Mac 1.3 激活版 – 优秀的系统垃圾清理工具-麦氪派
Disk Health for Mac 1.3 激活版 – 优秀的系统垃圾清理工具-麦氪派

Disk Health for Mac 1.3 下载

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