Disk Cleaner for Mac 1.7 激活版 – 快速扫描和删除所有的垃圾


2016-09-18 3,232 百度已收录

Disk Cleaner为您的所有工作!我们已经优化了最有效的位置,快速扫描和删除所有的垃圾占用您宝贵的磁盘空间。不要浪费在不必要的文件,卸载程序剩余磁盘空间,Internet临时文件,旧的邮件附件,和其他你不知道。让磁盘清理您的硬盘空间!

[Disk Cleaner 在官网上售价24美元,约150元人民币]

Disk Cleaner for Mac 1.7 介绍


Clean disk regularly, move© folders regularly, free disk space.

How to use it:

  • Drag or add folders to app.
  • Setting folder task from menu.

Key features:

  • Empty folder content regularly, save disk space.
  • Copy folder content to target location regularly.
  • Move folder content to target location regularly.
  • Calculate folder size regularly.
  • Support to add any number of custom folders.

*****User FAQs******
1. How to add custom folders?

  • Three methods you can follow:
  • From “Add Folder …” menu item
  • Drag folders from Finder to “Disk Cleaner”
  • If you can not access folders from Finder, you can execute command “cd

FOLDER_PATH_YOU_WANT_TO_ACCESS” and “open .” from terminal, it will be openedin Finder, then you can drag it to App panel as option 2.

2. What’s the most popular folder to watch?

  1. ~/Library/Caches
  2. ~/Library/Logs
  3.  ~/.Trash

Please add/drag these folder from Finder to “Folder Watcher”. “Folder Watcher” can empty these folder regularly to save disk space.

Disk Cleaner for Mac 1.7 激活版 – 快速扫描和删除所有的垃圾-麦氪派

Disk Cleaner for Mac 1.7 下载

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