战地防御2 Defense zone 2 for Mac 1.6.0 激活版 – Mac上好玩的战争塔防游戏


2017-03-17 6,402 百度已收录

战地防御2 完整版 Defense zone 2 HD 是一款塔防游戏游戏有着令人着迷的关卡。添加了新武器,新的对手,以及更多的动作和战术。

[Defense zone 2 在Mac App Store上售价人民币 18 元]

Defense zone 2 for Mac 1.6.0 介绍

战地防御2 完整版 Defense zone 2 HD》是一款塔防游戏游戏有着令人着迷的关卡。



The new, engaging levels are even more stunning and impressive. New weapons have been added, along with new opponents, and even more action and tactics.

The game supports four languages: English, Russian, French and German.

The game settings are balanced to meet the goals of different players. If you want to test your skills and strategy, you can play the difficult level. If you are just playing for fun, then choose easy or medium level.

Greater variety of weaponry and landscape types gives you huge freedom in choosing your battle tactics. Choose the right weapon type and position to make sure your defense is effective. Airstrikes and the possibility of temporarily increasing weapon power can give you the advantage, and guarantee you will never get bored in the battle process.

战地防御2 Defense zone 2 for Mac 1.6.0 激活版 – Mac上好玩的战争塔防游戏-麦氪派
战地防御2 Defense zone 2 for Mac 1.6.0 激活版 – Mac上好玩的战争塔防游戏-麦氪派
战地防御2 Defense zone 2 for Mac 1.6.0 激活版 – Mac上好玩的战争塔防游戏-麦氪派
战地防御2 Defense zone 2 for Mac 1.6.0 激活版 – Mac上好玩的战争塔防游戏-麦氪派

Defense zone 2 for Mac 1.6.0 下载

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