Default Folder X 5.3 Mac 破解版 – 实用的菜单栏快速访问工具


2018-09-18 1,631 百度已收录

Default Folder X 是一款Mac上非常实用的菜单栏快速访问工具,能够自动记忆用户最近打开的目录,在菜单栏可以快速访问,此外,还支持用户自定义添加目录,支持多级目录的显示和快捷键的调用,非常的方便!

[Default Folder X 在官网上售价34.95美元]

Default Folder X 5.3 Mac 破解版 介绍

Default Folder X 将一个工具栏连接到打开的右边,并在任何OS X-本机应用程序中保存对话框。工具栏提供了快速访问各种文件夹和命令的功能。你只需点击按钮就可以进入你最喜欢的和最近使用的文件夹,管理列表中显示的文件夹和文件,并对你的设置做出改变。它还在打开和保存对话框中修复了许多问题,“反弹”到最后选中的文件,将路径列表放回到顶部菜单中,并在滚动的列视图中纠正错误。

  • 目录助理:您可以直接从默认文件夹X的工具栏访问您最近的、最喜欢的和打开的文件夹的内容。
  • 实时保存:如果您经常将东西保存在同一个文件夹中,默认文件夹X可以为您记住该文件夹。
  • 查找器管理:默认文件夹X允许您打开或保存到任何查找窗口,只需单击一次。
  • 即时回忆:为了帮助您快速返回到您最近使用的文件夹,默认文件夹X为您记住它们。
  • 聚光灯现场:默认文件夹X允许您添加聚光灯关键字、OpenMeta标记和Finder标签,而您仍然在保存对话框中。
  • 信息中心:使用默认文件夹X,您可以在每个Open对话框下面获得预览,展开以填充可用空间。需要看更多细节吗?点击图像,它就会放大到全尺寸。
  • 工作流程:默认文件夹X与OSX混为一谈,而不是让你学习和设置一个新的应用程序。


Version 5.3:

Feature enhancements:
  • Default Folder X supports macOS 10.14 Mojave
  • You can now add separators to your Favorites menu to visually organize it
  • Default Folder X tracks recently-opened files more intelligently, recognizing files that the system’s Recent Items list doesn’t see
  • When showing and hiding its drawer in the Finder, Default Folder X will resize Finder windows to ensure that the drawer is visible on the screen
  • Tooltips for items in the drawer are intelligently displayed to ensure they're on-screen
  • iBooks, Books and Newtek LightWave are now supported
Bug fixes:
  • Previews of items in the drag zone or drawer are now correctly sized to keep them from flickering
  • When relaunching the Finder, the Finder would occasionally quit but not relaunch. This has been corrected
  • Finder drawers now remain visible if you're dragging and dropping an item and the Finder auto-opens the folder to which you're dragging the item
  • Corrected a bug that resulted in Default Folder X being slow to recognize the current folder in file dialogs set to Column View and sorted by date
  • Default Folder X's exclusion list failed to work with Java apps and apps that could not be brought to the front. This has been fixed
  • Eliminated a crash that could occur when opening the Preferences window
Default Folder X 5.3 Mac 破解版 – 实用的菜单栏快速访问工具-麦氪派

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