Declutter for Mac 1.6 激活版 – 方便实用的桌面快速整理工具


2016-07-21 3,588 百度已收录

Declutter 是一款Mac上方便实用的桌面快速整理工具,可以帮助我们快速的分类整理桌面上大量的文件,并且可以定制各种规则,非常不错!

[Declutter 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币6元]

Declutter for Mac 1.6 介绍

Declutter is the solution to a problem that every Mac user faces - Desktop clutter. Declutter helps you to create intelligent folders with rules based on file names and extensions so that it can automatically move the files to respective folders on desktop and keep the desktop clean always.

  • Beautiful Desktop - We all love when we buy our new Mac. It is the face of the device. Declutter helps you to keep it that way and even makes it more beautiful.
  • Intelligent Folders - Declutters helps you to create beautiful and intelligent folders in your desktop. Each folder is configured with rules so that the desktop is cleaned based on them.
  • File Name or Extension Rules - The rules for intelligent folders in desktop can be created based on both file names or file extensions so that the clean up can be comprehensive and at the same time granular.
  • Complex Rules - The rules can be configured with multiple file name or file extension conditions. This enables the app to declutter the desktop with accuracy like human intelligence.
  • Folder Colors and Icons - Declutter app enables you to add beautiful colours and icons to the intelligent folders that you create to make the already clean desktop more beautiful.
  • Automatic Declutter - Declutter app enables you to configure automatic clean up for the timing configured to ensure that the desktop is always clean.
  • Instant Reach - Declutter app is available in menubar always if you enable it to launch on start and can be activated in a single click or configured hot key stroke.
  • Launch on Start - You can configure the Declutter app to launch on start so that the app is launched silently and keeps the desktop clean automatically.
Declutter for Mac 1.6 激活版 – 方便实用的桌面快速整理工具-麦氪派
Declutter for Mac 1.6 激活版 – 方便实用的桌面快速整理工具-麦氪派
Declutter for Mac 1.6 激活版 – 方便实用的桌面快速整理工具-麦氪派

Declutter for Mac 1.6 下载

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