应网友要求更新。 Day One 2.0是Mac上最优秀和最知名的日记软件,Day One 界面简洁漂亮、操作方便,支持iCloud同步、任务提醒、地图位置标示、安全加密、分享等功能,具有Mac、iPhone、iPad客户端,屡获各种奖项,首选的日记软件。
[Day One 2 在 Mac App Store上售价198元]
Day One 2 for Mac 2.0.4 介绍
Capture life as you live it. From once-in-a-lifetime events to everyday moments, Day One's elegant interface makes journaling about your life a simple pleasure.
We are pleased to introduce the next generation of the Day One journaling app. Version 2 is a new app built from the ground up for an excellent writing and life-capturing experience.
What's New:
- All-new user interface
- Multiple Photos per entry (up to ten inline photos)
- Multiple Journals (up to ten journals with unique colors and names)
- Day One Sync 2.0
- Photo View
- Custom Reminders
- Entry Management (select, move, tag, and delete multiple entries at a time)
- Timeline Filters (star, tags, location, year, activity, and music)
- Timezone Support
- Multiple Window support
- Single and Dual Pane Modes
- Redesigned PDF export
- Gesture support
Other Features:
- Automatic metadata (location, weather, motion activity, step count, and music)
- Search
- Tags and Stars
- Export to PDF with smart filters
- Share Extension
- Shortcut keys
- Fixed: Issue where characters from other languages appeared in Day One.
Day One 2 for Mac 2.0.4 下载
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