CSSDesigner for Mac 4.7.2 激活版 – 优秀的CSS样式设计工具


2016-10-24 3,763 百度已收录

CSSDesigner 是一款Mac上优秀的CSS样式设计工具,充分利用最新的Mac技术,让你增强CSS,绘制或绘画,应用炫目效果,支持CSS3样式,很不错!

[CSSDesigner 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币258元]

CSSDesigner for Mac 4.7.2 介绍

Powerful CSS designing app.

CSSDesigner takes full advantage of the latest Mac technologies, giving you speedy, powerful tools that let you touch up and enhance css, draw or paint, apply dazzling effects, or create advanced compositions amazingly simple.

A powerful tools

  • Quickly and easily create any CSS3(CSS2) effects.
  • Edit and apply special effects to portions of select
  • Select and remove unwanted elements of your desinger css properties.
  • Copy one layer to other

Top-notch painting tools

  • Paint with CSSDesinger as you would on canvas
  • Use different sizes, shapes, and blending modes
  • Adjust CSS settings to get just the look you want


  • Open and save CSS using css format
  • Open and save CSS with layers

Built exclusively

CSSDesigner uses a number of OS X features and technologies like Cocoa, OpenGL, OpenCL, Core Image, Grand Central Dispatch, 64-bit, Full-Screen, And CSSDesigner beautiful interface and css editing engine are fully optimized for the Macbook Pro with Retina display.

CSSDesigner for Mac 4.7.2 激活版 – 优秀的CSS样式设计工具-麦氪派

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