Cryptey for Mac 1.4.4 激活版 – 比特币行情跟踪


2017-08-23 2,667 百度已收录

Cryptey是一个菜单栏cryptocurrency ticker,让您按照所有主要硬币(如比特币,Litecoin,Ethereum等)的现行利率。您可以将最重要的费率添加到您的菜单栏中,以始终可见,或将其添加到收藏夹列表,以便只需点击一下即可。有几个动作您可以访问6个主要交易所(BTC-e,Bitfinex,Kraken,Bitstamp,OKCoin和Poloniex)的所有费率,每分钟或手动自动更新。

[Cryptey 在Mac App Store上售价2.99美元,约合人民币18元]

Cryptey for Mac 1.4.4 介绍

Cryptey is a menu bar cryptocurrency ticker that let's you follow current rates for all major coins like Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and more. You can add most important rates to youe menu bar to be always visible or add them to the favourites list so they can be just one click away. With a few moves you have access to all rates from 6 major exchanges (BTC-e, Bitfinex, Kraken, Bitstamp, OKCoin and Poloniex), updated automatically every minute or manually anytime.

Cryptey for iOS is also available in the App Store. Check it out!


  • add rates to the menu bar,
  • add rates to favourites list hidden under app's menu bar icon,
  • access all rates from BTC-e, Bitfinex, Kraken, Bitstamp, OKCoin and Poloniex,
  • 6 major exchanges supported, and more to come!
  • always current rates - updated every minute,
  • manual refresh,
  • easy to use and lightweight,
  • elegant interface that blends in perfectly into your macOS in both light and dark mode.
Cryptey for Mac 1.4.4 激活版 – 比特币行情跟踪-麦氪派
Cryptey for Mac 1.4.4 激活版 – 比特币行情跟踪-麦氪派
Cryptey for Mac 1.4.4 激活版 – 比特币行情跟踪-麦氪派
Cryptey for Mac 1.4.4 激活版 – 比特币行情跟踪-麦氪派
Cryptey for Mac 1.4.4 激活版 – 比特币行情跟踪-麦氪派

Cryptey for Mac 1.4.4 下载

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