Crypt Sync Files for Mac 1.3 激活版 – 将加密的文件存储在外部驱动器


2017-02-07 2,671 百度已收录

利用 Crypt Sync Files 您可以将加密的文件存储在外部驱动器,网络文件夹,云服务上,不必担心文件安全。Crypt同步文件加密/解密和同步本地文件夹和USB驱动器之间的文件,存储卡,网络驱动器,云服务上的文件夹等。

[Crypt Sync Files 在官网上售价7.99美元,约合人民币50元]

Crypt Sync Files for Mac 1.3 介绍

The Crypt Sync Files encrypts / decrypts and synchronize files between local folders and USB Drive, memory cards, network drives, folders on Cloud services (Dropbox, etc.) You can store your encrypted files on external drives, folders, cloud services and don’t worry about file security. You can choose the encryption AES-256 or zip with a password.

  • Two mode of encryption. AES256 or zip with a password.
  • Encryption / decryption and sync any number of folders same time.
  • 6 modes of synchronizing.
  • Tracking deletions in synchronized folders, real 2-way sync.
  • Automatic encryption / decryption and synchronization on the fly, when there are changes.
  • Schedule your encryption / decryption and synchronization for any time.
  • Encryption / decryption and sync Macs across a network.
  • Encryption / decryption and sync local folders and folders on Cloud services (Dropbox, etc.)
  • Encryption / decryption and sync external drives (USB, memory cards, etc.) with your Mac, and vice versa.
  • Powerful filter for files and/or folders on the entry and/or exclusion.
  • View the latest changes in synchronized folders. Quick view last changes and Finder Integration.
  • Saving the synchronized files in a specific location ("Delete folder"). Using this mode you are insured against accidental deletion of files, and can always return all the files even if you are re-sync a few times. Structure of folders and subfolders stored in the "Delete Folder".
  • Each sync task has the status showing when it was done last time.
  • Run as Menu Bar App.
  • Work in the background.
  • Logging of the encryption / decryption and synchronization process.
Crypt Sync Files for Mac 1.3 激活版 – 将加密的文件存储在外部驱动器-麦氪派
Crypt Sync Files for Mac 1.3 激活版 – 将加密的文件存储在外部驱动器-麦氪派
Crypt Sync Files for Mac 1.3 激活版 – 将加密的文件存储在外部驱动器-麦氪派
Crypt Sync Files for Mac 1.3 激活版 – 将加密的文件存储在外部驱动器-麦氪派
Crypt Sync Files for Mac 1.3 激活版 – 将加密的文件存储在外部驱动器-麦氪派

Crypt Sync Files for Mac 1.3 下载

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