Copy’em Paste for Mac 2.4.1 破解版 – 优越的剪贴板管理器


2017-10-26 2,198 百度已收录

Copy’em Paste 是强大的剪贴板工具。它会自动保存您复制的文本,图像,链接,截图等,让你回忆起/他们随时粘贴,就在你的指尖。用它来连续复制项目,然后将它们粘贴(不平常,备份和转发复制/粘贴往返),永久存储喜欢的剪报,采取截图不堵塞你的桌面,收集数据进行研究,加快剪报粘贴,变换粘贴的文本,剪报整理成列表。

[Copy’em Paste 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币98元]

Copy’em Paste for Mac 2.4.1 介绍

Copy’em Paste is a versatile menulet for speeding up your daily copy-&-paste workflow. It remembers copied text, images, links, screenshots, files, etc., and lets you recall and paste them right at your fingertips. Use it to recover old clippings, paste often-used snippets, transform text, copy/paste multiple items, collect data for research, store and organize items in favorite lists… It’s the best-in-class clipboard manager for Macs!

  • Automatically remembers the things copied by regular copy/cut commands
  • Stores unlimited number of clippings
  • Accepts text, images, links, HTML, code, PDFs, files — anything you can copy
  • Instant access to clippings via menubar or customizable ⌘-Shift-V
  • Can paste clippings via drag-and-drop into target applications
  • Can be configured to paste into VNC, NoMachine, Parallels, etc.
  • Batch pasting of multiple snippets
  • Plain-text mode option to paste any rich text as plain text
  • Text transformation options (capitalization, stripping whitespace, adding prefixes/suffixes, etc.)
  • Unlimited number of lists for you to organize your favorite clippings
  • Auto-star mode where newly arrived clippings are automatically put into the current starred list
  • Fast switching between lists via app-local shortcuts (such as ⌘1, ⌘2, etc.)
  • Use swiping or ⌘[ and ⌘] shortcuts to navigate backward and forward between lists
  • Sort clippings by creation dates, most-recently-used dates, and paste frequency, etc.
  • Rearrange clippings in starred lists via drag-and-drop
  • Find clippings by search, content-type filtering, and application-name filtering
  • Fast searching, with search-as-you-type, and options to auto-focus and auto-clear the search field
  • Option to preview text and image clippings in full
  • Edit text clippings (add/remove/replace text)
  • Open clippings window next to current mouse location (in order to minimize mouse movement)
  • Option to keep the window open after each paste operation; by default, the window automatically closes after use
  • Capture screenshots (full screen, windows, selected areas, etc.) as clippings
  • Blacklist applications, so clippings from them won’t be saved
  • Stop (or resume) collecting new clippings
  • Can delete selected clippings, selected sets, or entire lists
  • Change the theme, with option to show text clippings in original colors or grayscale
  • Automatically switch theme according to the OS X theme setting


To paste one of its clippings, simply:

  • Press ⌘-Shift-V (or click the menubar icon) to see the clippings
  • Click the clipping (or press a local keyboard shortcut) to select it
  • Using a regular paste command (such as ⌘V) to paste it

You can skip Step 3 altogether, by simply installing a free auto-paste helper app, available from our website. Then Step 2 above will automatically paste the clipping for you.


If you have questions or suggestions, please email us at If you enjoy using Copy’em Paste, please leave us a review and support us!


Version 2.4.1:
Note: Currently available for $9.99

  • Fixed copy and paste issues with Microsoft Word
Copy’em Paste for Mac 2.4.1 破解版 – 优越的剪贴板管理器-麦氪派
Copy’em Paste for Mac 2.4.1 破解版 – 优越的剪贴板管理器-麦氪派
Copy’em Paste for Mac 2.4.1 破解版 – 优越的剪贴板管理器-麦氪派
Copy’em Paste for Mac 2.4.1 破解版 – 优越的剪贴板管理器-麦氪派

Copy’em Paste for Mac 2.4.1 下载

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