Command-Tab Plus for Mac 1.1 激活版 – 键盘快捷应用程序切换器


2017-05-15 3,432 百度已收录

Command-Tab Plus - 以Mac键盘为中心的应用程序切换器。 Command-Tab Plus旨在让您以更快更方便的方式在应用之间切换。当您处理大量加载的程序时,它们之间的切换会产生问题,因为通常需要很长时间。 Command-Tab Plus为您提供了多种应用程序的改进,旨在替代本机Apple的App-Switcher。

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Command-Tab Plus for Mac 1.1 介绍

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On the website WWW.NOTEIFYAPP.COM you can download FREE trial Command-Tab Plus Pro

Command-Tab Plus - Keyboard-centric application switcher for your Mac. Command-Tab Plus is designed to let you switch between apps in a faster and more convenient way.

When you work with a lot of programs which are loaded, switching between them makes a problem, because it often takes a long time. Command-Tab Plus gives you many improvements in working with multiple applications and designed to be an alternative to the native Apple's App-Switcher.

* Quick Switch Between Applications - Using Option + Number key makes switch to an app without tapping a bunch of keys.

* Isolated Spaces - When using Command-Tab Plus, by default it displays only app icons are running on a current display or a space. Thus, apps on inactive spaces are hidden on the current space. Of course, you can disable this function in settings.

* Hide Unused Applications - Command-tab Plus hides icons of inactive (hidden) apps. This function allows you switch more quickly between apps you are using at the moment. That is very convenient if you have a lot of apps in the background, but you don’t want them to show up in the switcher.

* Customizable Appearance - You can customize an appearance if you need, change border or background colors, icon sizes and more

PLEASE NOTE: due to the limitation of the Apple Sandbox this version does not support the closing, hiding and switching between applications windows.

On the website WWW.NOTEIFYAPP.COM or WWW.COMMANDTAB.NOTEIFYAPP.COM YOU can download a FREE trial of the Professional version of Command-Tab Plus。

Command-Tab Plus for Mac 1.1 激活版 – 键盘快捷应用程序切换器-麦氪派
Command-Tab Plus for Mac 1.1 激活版 – 键盘快捷应用程序切换器-麦氪派
Command-Tab Plus for Mac 1.1 激活版 – 键盘快捷应用程序切换器-麦氪派
Command-Tab Plus for Mac 1.1 激活版 – 键盘快捷应用程序切换器-麦氪派

Command-Tab Plus for Mac 1.1 下载

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