ColorSnapper 2 for Mac 1.4.1 激活版 – 优秀的屏幕取色工具


2017-07-10 2,528 百度已收录

ColorSnapper 是一款Mac上优秀的取色工具,ColorSnapper功能强大且易于使用,除了快速取色外,具有数十种颜色模式,比如可以直接复制为iOS代码的颜色值!

[ColorSnapper 2 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币68元]

ColorSnapper 2 for Mac 1.4.1 介绍

ColorSnapper 2 is the OS X color picker app for designers and developers which makes it easy to collect, adjust, organize, and export colors of any pixel of the screen. It is activated via a system-wide hotkey, giving you a magnifying glass to easily pick any pixel you need, even from retina displays. The resulting color is copied to the clipboard in a format of your preference.

  • New Magnifying Glass -- the original ColorSnapper magnifying glass -- introduced in 2010 and adopted by every modern color picker app since then -- just got even better! It works perfectly with multiple displays, different resolutions and with different pixel density. You can switch between Spaces and Applications having the magnifying glass on the screen while controlling it with gestures and keyboard shortcuts.
  • New Hi-Precision Mode allows you to choose every physical pixel on a retina screen, but also works great on displays with normal pixel density by increasing mouse sensitivity and magnification level.
  • Export to Adobe® Photoshop® and Illustrator® -- set foreground and background color in your favorite designer tool directly from ColorSnapper.
  • Capture loupe image -- new magnifying glass can be used as a review tool. Pressing P will copy the zoomed image to clipboard.
  • Favorites and History -- with ColorSnapper2 you can now organize, adjust and export colors without leaving the application. Add colors you regularly pick to the favorites or go back in time to hundreds of colors.
  • Adjust colors -- new user interface seamlessly integrates with the Apple’s Color Panel so you can adjust colors before you export them.
  • Quick formats filter -- just start typing to quickly search through more than 30 export formats.
  • Automatic color profile conversion -- converts colors picked from native OS X applications, including Safari and Xcode from the monitor’s color profile to sRGB. This means you’ll get the same RGB values as those used in your code.
  • Code style -- use flexible color values formatters to match your coding style. Along with all new supported formats, including CSS3, NSColor and UIColor, Swift, Android, Java, .NET and many more, this results in even faster developer workflow.


  • Changed color profile when picking from Adobe Photoshop / Illustrator
ColorSnapper 2 for Mac 1.4.1 激活版 – 优秀的屏幕取色工具-麦氪派
ColorSnapper 2 for Mac 1.4.1 激活版 – 优秀的屏幕取色工具-麦氪派
ColorSnapper 2 for Mac 1.4.1 激活版 – 优秀的屏幕取色工具-麦氪派
ColorSnapper 2 for Mac 1.4.1 激活版 – 优秀的屏幕取色工具-麦氪派
ColorSnapper 2 for Mac 1.4.1 激活版 – 优秀的屏幕取色工具-麦氪派

ColorSnapper 2 for Mac 1.4.1 下载

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