CloudTV 3.9.9 Mac 破解版 全球电视播放工具


2019-03-13 6,774 百度已收录

CloudTV 是一款Mac上全球电视播放工具,可以播放全球400多个频道,(英国、爱尔兰、美国、法国、瑞士、比利时、意大利、希腊、葡萄牙等),很不错!

[CloudTV 在官网上售价11美元,约合人民币66元]

CloudTV 3.9.9 Mac 破解版 介绍

CloudTV for Mac是一款在线电视直播应用,可让您观看来自世界各地的超过800个直播电视频道,以及从英国和法国下载数以千计的追赶节目,并带有智能播放列表和AirPlay支持。

CloudTV allows you to watch over 400 live TV channels from all over the world, as well as download thousands of catch-up programmes from the UK and France, complete with smart playlists and support for AirPlay.

What's New in CloudTV

Version 3.9.9

  • Updated French channels : TF1, TMC, TFX, TF1 Séries Films, LCI, C8, LCP, Public Sénat, BFM TV, CNews, CStar, L’équipe, RMC Story, Ouatch TV, France Inter, France Info (radio), RTL, Europe 1, RMC (radio), Fashion TV, Azur TV, LM TV Sarthe, Télégrenoble, TV Vendée
  • Updated Greek channels : ART, Action 24
  • Updated Euronews (all ten languages)
  • Updated catch up for RMC Story, L’Équipe, Gulli, RMC Découverte

Version 3.9.8

  • Fixed a bug which would prevent the video window to be moved on certain configurations
  • Fixed a bug which made the video window uncloseable after switching to "video always on top" mode
CloudTV 3.9.9 Mac 破解版 全球电视播放工具-麦氪派

CloudTV 3.9.9 Mac 破解版 下载

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