CleanMyApp for Mac 3.0 序号版 – 智能Mac的卸载程序


2016-08-11 4,263 百度已收录


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CleanMyApp for Mac 3.0 介绍

CleanMyApp is a powerful uninstaller. It can completely uninstall applications and remove their associated files. Moreover, it also can remove applications' unnecessary language files. Installation of an application is easy, but removing all the parts of the application is complicated. Now, CleanMyApp makes the complete uninstallation an easy task.

  • Thoroughly Uninstall Apps - Completely uninstall all parts of the application, and remove associated files including app junk, register files, logs, traces, etc.
  • Uninstall All Apps - It not only can uninstall applications that you download from Mac App Store, but also can uninstall applications that you download from other websites. Also can uninstall virus-infected, crashed, and stubborn applications.
  • Uninstall Plug-ins and Widgets - CleanMyApp also allows you to remove unwanted plugins and widgets.
  • Uninstall Multi Apps with 1 Click - It supports uninstallation of applications one-by-one or in batches -- with only 1-click.
CleanMyApp for Mac 3.0 序号版 – 智能Mac的卸载程序-麦氪派

CleanMyApp for Mac 3.0 下载

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