Claquette for Mac 1.5 激活版 – 功能强大的屏幕录像软件


2016-08-08 3,531 百度已收录

Claquette能无缝记录Mac的屏幕,麦克风和摄像头。编辑记录并分享他们作为动画GIF / PNG或电影。
通过购买增强包,你也可以Claquette集成到您的Final Cut Pro X中的工作流程。

[Claquette 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币68元]

Claquette for Mac 1.5 介绍

"There are plenty of solutions for recording the screen of your Mac, but Claquette stands out" Macworld, Mac Gems Review

Seamlessly record your Mac's screen, microphone and camera. Edit your recordings and share them as Animated GIF/PNG or as movie.
By purchasing the Pro Exporter Pack, you can also integrate Claquette into your Final Cut Pro X workflow.

Create stunning video tutorials or screencasts to reach your online audience in a more personal way. Use short videos to promote and sell your products or create animated GIFs to enhance your blog posts. Animated GIFs are also great for developers and designers to communicate issues in software projects or to create meaningful bug reports.

Additionally, Claquette can be integrated into your professional video editing workflow by purchasing the optional Pro Exporter Pack. This pack contains exporters for Apple’s Final Cut Pro X, Motion 5 and ProRes. The custom lossless recording codec guarantees high quality recordings and vibrant, color perfect exports. Visit our product page to learn more about all features.


  • Lossless & color managed screen recording
  • Record camera video & microphone input
  • Fast, lossless compressor that utilizes all CPU cores


  • Built-In player app to preview your recording
  • Trim unwanted parts of the recording
  • Crop the recording to only show relevant portions
  • Camera video layer can be freely positioned


  • Create an animated screenshot in Animated GIF or PNG format
  • Create a movie file using one of the included presets
  • Use sharing services to share your recording via Mail, AirDrop, Flickr or Vimeo
  • Send a layered export to Final Cut Pro X or Motion 5 (available via In-App Purchase)

Supported Export Formats

  • Animated GIF
  • Animated PNG
  • 480p (H.264 SD)
  • 720p (H.264 HD)
  • 1080p (H.264 HD)
  • 2160p (H.264 UHD)
  • iPod (H.264)
  • Apple TV (H.264)
  • ProRes (available via In-App Purchase)
  • Final Cut Pro X (available via In-App Purchase)
  • Motion 5 (available via In-App Purchase)


The Final Cut Pro X, Motion 5 and ProRes exporters are available via In-App Purchase.
To directly open & edit exported Final Cut Pro X and Motion 5 projects, those applications have to be installed on your Mac.

Claquette for Mac 1.5 激活版 – 功能强大的屏幕录像软件-麦氪派
Claquette for Mac 1.5 激活版 – 功能强大的屏幕录像软件-麦氪派
Claquette for Mac 1.5 激活版 – 功能强大的屏幕录像软件-麦氪派
Claquette for Mac 1.5 激活版 – 功能强大的屏幕录像软件-麦氪派
Claquette for Mac 1.5 激活版 – 功能强大的屏幕录像软件-麦氪派

Claquette for Mac 1.5 下载

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