Claquette for Mac 1.5.2 激活版 – 屏幕录像录屏软件


2016-10-29 3,222 百度已收录

无缝记录Mac的屏幕,麦克风和摄像头。编辑记录并分享他们作为动画GIF / PNG或电影。通过购买临出口商包,你也可以Claquette集成到您的Final Cut Pro X中的工作流程。创造了惊人的视频教程或截屏更个性化的方式来达到你的在线观众。

[Claquette 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币68元]

Claquette for Mac 1.5.2 介绍

Claquette is a tool that allows you to record your Mac's screen in lossless quality. Additionally, you can capture live video and audio from camera and microphone. After finishing a recording, you can directly export a movie or send it to Final Cut Pro X, from where it can be edited to your heart's content. The layered export provides masks and keyframes, which allows you to use Final Cut and Motion to enhance your screencasts with stunning effects and annotations.

    • Recording:
      • Lossless and color managed screen recording
      • Record camera video and microphone input
      • Fast, lossless compressor that utilizes all CPU cores
      • Efficient codec that only stores screen areas that actively change
    • Preview:
      • Built-In player app to preview your recording
      • Simple metadata editor to add author and recording notes
      • Trim unwanted parts of the recording
      • Camera video layer can be freely positioned
    • Export:
      • Create a movie file using one of the included presets (see below)
      • Send a layered export to Final Cut Pro X
      • Send a layered export to Motion 5
      • Upload a recording directly to Vimeo
    • Presets:
      • 480p (SD)
      • 720p (HD)
      • 1080p (HD)
      • iPod
      • Apple TV
      • ProRes

The high-quality recorder and the integration with Apple's professional video apps open endless possibilities to enhance your screencasts with eye-catching effects. Highlight points of interest by defocusing the background or attach a spotlight to the mouse cursor. Freely experiment within your familiar production tools.

Note: This application contains in-app and/or external module purchases.

Claquette for Mac 1.5.2 激活版 – 屏幕录像录屏软件-麦氪派
Claquette for Mac 1.5.2 激活版 – 屏幕录像录屏软件-麦氪派
Claquette for Mac 1.5.2 激活版 – 屏幕录像录屏软件-麦氪派
Claquette for Mac 1.5.2 激活版 – 屏幕录像录屏软件-麦氪派
Claquette for Mac 1.5.2 激活版 – 屏幕录像录屏软件-麦氪派

Claquette for Mac 1.5.2 下载

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