Chaos Control for Mac 1.04 破解版 – GTD, Tasks & To-Do Lists


2016-09-26 3,159 百度已收录

Chaos Control是为了帮助您管理您的企业和个人生活都自己的目标和期望的结果。

[Chaos Control 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币128元]

Chaos Control for Mac 1.04 介绍

Chaos Control was created to help you manage your goals and desired outcomes in both your business and personal life.

People don't usually achieve impressive results simply by being good at task management. It's the ability to set legitimate goals that makes the difference. Just write down your desired outcomes to make them real. This simple technique helps you to prioritize your goals before acting on them.

Chaos Control is a task manager based on the best ideas of GTD (Getting Things Done) methodology created by David Allen. Whether you are running a business, launching an app, working on a project or simply planning your holiday trip, Chaos Control is a perfect tool to manage your goals, juggle your priorities, and organize your tasks to get things done. And the best part is, you can handle both heavyweight project planning and simple daily routine like shopping list management in one flexible app. Also, Chaos Control is available across all major mobile and desktop platforms with seamless sync.

Chaos Control for Mac 1.04 破解版 – GTD, Tasks & To-Do Lists-麦氪派
Chaos Control for Mac 1.04 破解版 – GTD, Tasks & To-Do Lists-麦氪派
Chaos Control for Mac 1.04 破解版 – GTD, Tasks & To-Do Lists-麦氪派
Chaos Control for Mac 1.04 破解版 – GTD, Tasks & To-Do Lists-麦氪派

Chaos Control for Mac 1.04 下载

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