Carbon Copy Cloner for Mac 5.1.2 破解版 – 磁盘备份和同步工具


2018-05-23 2,260 百度已收录

Carbon Copy Cloner是一款Mac上强大的磁盘备份和同步工具,只要我们能够想到的数据同步和备份方式,Carbon Copy Cloner 都支持,支持自动备份到另一个目录、备份到移动硬盘、备份到网络硬盘等等需求,支持增量备份、计划任务备份、网络备份等功能,简单易用,非常的强大!

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Carbon Copy Cloner for Mac 5.1.2 介绍

Carbon Copy Cloner  备份比普通备份。假设不可想象的事情发生在你完成一个项目的截止日期时:你的Mac没有反应,你听到的是一个不祥的,重复的点击噪音来自硬盘驱动器。与普通的备份,你可能花一天去一家商店买了一个新的硬盘驱动器,然后坐在前面的你的电脑重新安装操作系统和恢复数据。


Version 5.1.2:

  • 增加了在备份任务开始时在APFS格式化源上创建快照的支持。然后安装此快照并用作复制文件的源。通过使用只读卷作为源,我们避免了在复制时修改文件时在备份任务期间可能发生的罕见但潜在的冲突。
  • 当目标是APFS卷并为该卷启用快照支持时,CCC的SabeTyNET特性现在建立在APFS快照之上。
  • CCC将在备份任务结束时在APFS目标卷上创建快照,以建立点到点恢复点。
  • CCC提供了一个高度可调整的快照保留策略,允许您定义快照多长时间(每小时、每天、每周),并且还允许您定义在卷上保留的最小量的可用空间。
  • CCC的磁盘中心对CCC和时间机器在您的APFS卷上创建的快照提供了详细的了解。快速查看这些快照消耗了多少空间,并按按钮删除一个或多个快照。

What's New

Version 5.1.2:

  • The "Use strict volume identification" setting has always been disabled when the destination lacks a unique identifier (because the setting isn't applicable in that case). Now we also uncheck that box in those cases to avoid any confusion about whether that setting will be applied.
  • Minor adjustments to the timing of snapshot creation on the source at the beginning of the task. These accommodate archiving of the source volume's helper partitions and also resolve potential conflicts when several tasks are started simultaneously that use the same source volume.
  • The postflight destination unmount subtask is no longer skipped when a task is aborted due to a time limit overrun.
  • Fixed an issue related to manually mounting an encrypted source or destination volume (when clicking on the source/destination selector).
  • Fixed a cosmetic issue in which custom filters with multiple suffixes (e.g. '*.tar.gz') would appear to not be applied to matching files in the Task Filter window, despite actually matching those files during task run time.
Carbon Copy Cloner for Mac 5.1.2 破解版 – 磁盘备份和同步工具-麦氪派
Carbon Copy Cloner for Mac 5.1.2 破解版 – 磁盘备份和同步工具-麦氪派
Carbon Copy Cloner for Mac 5.1.2 破解版 – 磁盘备份和同步工具-麦氪派

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