CaptureGRID Mac 破解版 摄像机控制软件

硬件工具 版本号:4.11

2019-12-06 986 百度已收录

CaptureGRID for Mac是一款Mac上的数字摄影工作流程应用程序,用于系留拍摄,远程拍摄和高级相机控制。CaptureGRID允许您多摄像机控制,同时完全控制和同步所有摄像机,包括摄像机设置,触发,实时取景,照片下载和文件名管理。多台计算机之间的联网操作使您可以扩展摄像机的数量,并编排大型多摄像机捕获设备。有需要的用户不要错过哦!

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CaptureGRID 4.11 Mac 破解版 介绍


CaptureGRID 4.11 is a digital photography work flow application for tethered shooting, remote capture and advanced camera control. CaptureGRID supports all recent DSLR cameras from Canon and Nikon, as well as some cameras from the Sony Alpha range. We regularly update the app, so support for new cameras is added as they come on to the market.

The software uses wired USB connection for direct communication with the cameras, using our custom built PTP engine. This delivers reliable camera control and fast photo downloads.

CaptureGRID Mac 破解版 摄像机控制软件-麦氪派

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