Capture One 10 for Mac 破解版 – 强大的RAW图像编辑工具


2016-12-12 6,654 百度已收录

Capture One 是一款Mac上专业强大的RAW图像编辑处理工具,是摄影师必备的一款图像处理工具,Capture One 具有独特的RAW格式文件处理处理引擎,可以产生具有逼真色彩和丰富细节的高品质图像,具有世界一流的降噪功能,兼容超过300款高级相机!

[Capture One 在官网上售价299美元,约合人民币1800元]

Capture One 10 for Mac 介绍

The Professional Choice In Imaging Software

Industry leading detail, color and image rendering

  • NEW Processing Engine
  • NEW Adjustment tools
  • Outstanding RAW Converter and Asset Manager
  • Market leading Tethered Capture and Instant Review
  • Customizable, timesaving workflow
  • MAC and PC cross-platform
  • Support for more than 400 cameras

Capture One Pro 9 is a professional RAW converter offering you ultimate image quality with accurate colors and incredible detail from more than 300 high-end cameras — straight out of the box. It offers state-of-the-art tethered capture, powerful digital asset management, extensive adjustment tools and a flexible workflow.

With an updated processing engine, market-leading performance and powerful new features, Capture One Pro 9 is the professional choice in imaging software. You get the highly responsive precision tools you need to create stunning images from your camera’s RAW files in a time-saving workflow that can be customized to fit your needs.


The exceptional power of the new processing engine and flexibility of Capture One Pro 9 gives you complete control over your creative process – Whatever your passion.


Quality is nothing without the ability to deliver it with precision and repeatability. Capture One is developed for professionals who shoot every day and need the right tools to deliver the quality that clients demand.


The more control you have the faster you can realize your vision. Capture One Pro 9 is built on this idea – the new suite of tools allow you to create images with incredible precision.

Capture One 10 for Mac 破解版 – 强大的RAW图像编辑工具-麦氪派

Capture One 10 for Mac 下载

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