CalendarPro for Google for Mac 2.4.4 破解版 – 谷歌日历工具


2017-07-01 3,467 百度已收录

CalendarPro for Google 是一款Mac上优秀的谷歌日历工具,可以让我们在Mac上方便的使用谷歌日历服务,帮助用户建立日程提醒或者节日提醒,很不错!

[CalendarPro for Google 在Mac App Store上售价人民币12元]

CalendarPro for Google for Mac 2.4.4 介绍

Calendar Pro for Google and Yahoo (was CalendarPro for Google) is a Google calendar app with intuitive design. Now, it's so easy to get every event organized. It has a simple and neat look and is accessible, highly responsive and reliable.

  • Quick access to Google Calendar
  • Fast and responsive
  • Add multiple Google accounts and access different calendars in different windows
  • Open multiple windows for different accounts
  • Get alert directly into Notification Center for upcoming events
  • Very easy to add events or appointments and share
  • Fullscreen mode
  • Hotkey to open app faster
  • Keyboard shortcuts for New Window (⌘ N) and Reload Calendar (⌘ R)
  • Print calendars easily
  • Search Bar to find events quickly

CalendarPro for Google and Yahoo provides quick access to Google Calendar without having to do anything with Internet browsers Just add the event and let the advanced reminder system help you out. It's simple and easy to use!!

CalendarPro for Google for Mac 2.4.4 破解版 – 谷歌日历工具-麦氪派
CalendarPro for Google for Mac 2.4.4 破解版 – 谷歌日历工具-麦氪派
CalendarPro for Google for Mac 2.4.4 破解版 – 谷歌日历工具-麦氪派
CalendarPro for Google for Mac 2.4.4 破解版 – 谷歌日历工具-麦氪派
CalendarPro for Google for Mac 2.4.4 破解版 – 谷歌日历工具-麦氪派

CalendarPro for Google for Mac 2.4.4 下载

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