BusyContacts Mac 破解版 优秀的商用通讯录管理工具

商业效率 版本号:1.4.1

2019-09-16 3,038 百度已收录

BusyContacts 是一款商用通讯录管理工具,可以更快、更高效地创建、查找和管理联系人,BusyContacts 与 BusyCal 无缝集成,组成一套非常灵活、简单易用的 CRM 解决方案,很容易上手,非常不错!

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BusyContacts 1.4.1 Mac 破解版 介绍

BusyContacts 是一款针对 OS X 系统的联系人管理程序,可以更快、更高效地创建、查找和管理联系人。

BusyContacts 在联系人管理方面与 BusyCal 用户的日历有着相同的功能、灵活性和分享能力。而且,BusyContacts 与 BusyCal 无缝集成,组成一套非常灵活、简单易用的 CRM 解决方案,很容易上手。

BusyContacts 与 OS X 和 iOS 上的内置通讯簿应用程序同步,而且支持所有领先的云服务,包括 iCloud、Google、Exchange、Facebook、Twitter 和 LinkedIn。

BusyContacts是OS X的一个联系人管理器,它可以更快更有效地创建、查找和管理联系人。它给联系人管理带来了相同的权力、灵活性和共享功能,而BusyCal的用户已经享受到了他们的日历。更重要的是,BusyContacts与BusyCal无缝集成,形成了一种灵活、易用的CRM解决方案。

BusyContacts与OS X和iOS内置的联系人应用程序同步,支持所有领先的云服务,包括iCloud、谷歌、Exchange、Facebook、Twitter和LinkedIn。

Key Features

  • 可自定义视图——在单列卡片视图或多列列表视图中查看联系人。
  • 标签——标签可用于分组、过滤和着色。
  • 智能过滤器——智能过滤器是过滤联系人、创建保存的搜索,甚至在列表视图中应用自定义视图设置的强大工具。
  • BusyCal集成——BusyContacts通过将联系人与日历中的事件联系起来与BusyCal集成,为跟踪过去和未来的活动提供了灵活的CRM功能。
  • 活动列表——活动列表显示与所选联系人相关的活动,包括日历事件、电子邮件、消息和最近的社交网络帖子。
  • 社交网络集成——BusyContacts与Facebook、Twitter和LinkedIn同步,将这些信息源的联系信息整合到一个统一的联系卡中。
  • 同步——通过包括iCloud、谷歌、Exchange和其他CardDAV服务器在内的所有领先的云服务,与OS X和iOS上的内置联系人应用程序同步。
  • 共享——BusyContacts允许您通过Exchange、Fruux、LAN和其他CardDAV服务器共享只读或读/写特权的地址簿。

What's New in BusyContacts

Version 1.4.1:

  • New: Modern Authentication (MFA / 2FA / SSO) support for Office 365 accounts
  • Collapsed address books no longer automatically expand when selecting contacts
  • Added UI changes to require additional privileges to access mail / messages on macOS Mojave and Catalina
  • Improved detection and handling of unavailable mail / messages for a contact
  • Fixed a rare bug where, under specific conditions, two words separated by a space would merge together in notes or multi-line addresses
  • Fixed a bug with Google Sync where creating a new contact with a new group would at times not reflect the change on other devices until the contact is edited a second time
  • Fixed a bug where committing changes to a field would at times cause focus to jump to the Title field
  • Ongoing stability improvements

Version 1.3.3:

  • Added support for CommuniGate Pro CardDAV server
  • Improved reporting of connectivity errors
  • Improved "sync at launch" for accounts with Push sync enabled
  • Improved processing of large HTML notes for Exchange
  • Improved connectivity for custom Exchange accounts
  • Switching address format when editing a card now retains partially entered addresses
  • Fixed smart list filtering rules for anniversary dates
  • Fixed a crash when adding shared address books on Exchange for a user with no name set
  • Fixed dragging contacts into an email's body (Apple Mail) to paste contact details
  • Auto-complete now no longer pre-selects the first suggestion in order to allow you to type in a period / space etc
  • "Printing labels" is now a little more lenient with malformeded addresses
  • Performance improvements
  • Ongoing stability improvements

Version 1.3.1:

  • Improved exchange authentication process
  • Improvements to auto-linking contacts across different services
  • Advanced connection options now available for Exchange / CardDAV when adding new accounts
  • Fixed a bug that would at times cause the currently highlighted contact to lose selection
  • Fixed selection of previously selected contacts after a quit & relaunch
  • Fixed selection of contacts with a lot of notes causing the profile photo to scroll out of view
  • Includes fixes for changes made to iCloud's CardDAV servers recently
  • Ongoing stability improvements
BusyContacts Mac 破解版 优秀的商用通讯录管理工具-麦氪派
BusyContacts Mac 破解版 优秀的商用通讯录管理工具-麦氪派

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