BusyCal Mac 破解版 优秀的任务日历工具

任务日历 版本号:3.7.0

2019-09-13 4,000 百度已收录

BusyCal 是一款Mac上优秀的任务日历工具软件,BusyCal支持可自定义的日历视图、滚动的月和周视图、集成的信息面板、自定义字体大小和样式及图片、实时的天气馈送和月相以及和菜单栏应用程等,可以和BusyContacts配合使用,非常的不错!

[BusyCal 在官网售价 49.99 美元]

BusyCal 3.7.0 Mac 破解版 介绍

BusyCal 3 是针对 macOS 的最强大、灵活、可靠的日历应用。它的富有创新性、节省时间的功能包括:自定义视图、集成任务、出行时间、地图、自然语言输入、天气、月相、图形、标签等。


BusyCal 按天、周、月、年和列表视图显示日历。BusyCal 的独特之处在于它能够自定义这些视图从而更精确地满足您的需求。 您可以选择每月显示的周数或者每周显示的天数,并且您甚至可以通过选择字体及其大小、日历颜色、时间格式等自定义日历的外观。


在 BusyCal 中,任务集成在日历工具中,在到期日期或时间显示,并会持续显示直到完成。您还可以在侧边栏中显示任务列表。BusyCal 中的任务兼容 Mac 和 iOS 上的提醒事项应用,并可以与其同步。


BusyCal 的信息面板让您可以快速、准确地查看和编辑事件详情。信息面板可以显示在侧边栏中,也可以作为弹出窗口或浮动窗口显示。而且它完全可自定义,您可以从多种属性中选择以显示,包括时区、标签、地图、私人笔记、上次编辑时间等。


BusyCal 让您可以针对步行、驾车或乘坐公共交通工具前往某个活动或场所规划时间。您可以设置固定的出行耗时,或者利用对位置服务和 Apple Maps 的集成支持自动确定出行耗时。 您甚至可以在交通状况发生变化,是时候离开时收到警报。


BusyCal 菜单栏总是处于运行状态,即使 BusyCal 主应用不运行时也是如此,因此您总是可以了解自己的日程安排。它显示迷你月、事件和任务的滚动列表以及天气预报。您可以点按某个事件查看其详情,以及使用自然语言创建新事件和任务。


BusyCal 实时显示 10 天天气预报、月相以及日出和日落时间。


BusyCal 让您可以将图形添加到日历中,从而突出显示节日和特殊事件。您可以从内置的表情符号和 IconFinder 图像中选择,或者从桌面或 Web 中拖动图像。


BusyCal 的智能筛选器是用于管理日历的强大工具。智能筛选器可通过键盘快捷键或工具栏按钮访问,它可以显示日历组(显示/隐藏多个日历)、执行存储的搜索(包含“Joe”的事件)、应用视图设置(8 周的月视图)等等。


BusyCal 在可移动、可调整大小的浮动窗口中显示提醒,可以设置从现在开始或事件开始前任意分钟数的推迟提醒,或者一下设置多个日程备忘推迟提醒。并且即使 BusyCal 主应用并未运行,BusyCal 提醒也会触发,因此您绝不会错过重要的约会。


BusyCal 集成了它的姊妹应用 BusyContacts,形成了一套灵活、易于使用的 CRM 解决方案。通过将联系人添加到 BusyCal 任务管理中的事件,您可以即时访问联系人的电子邮件地址和电话号码,以及 BusyContacts 中您与他们互动的记录。


BusyCal 提供对 iCloud、Google Calendar、Exchange、Office 365 以及其他 CalDAV 服务器的可靠支持,让您可以与运行 BusyCal 或内置日历应用的其他 Mac 和 iOS 设备同步日历。该功能包括共享日历、安排会议时间以及查看其他人的空闲情况。

What's New in BusyCal

Version 3.7.1:

  • Modern Authentication (MFA / 2FA / SSO) support for Office 365 accounts.
  • You can now change the privacy setting on meeting invites received for supported CalDAV servers (such as Google Calendar)
  • A new setting under Appearance Preferences allows you to display events grouped by calendar in Month view and the all-day section in Day / Week views
  • Attendees in a meeting invite can at times be of an arbitrary length. The "my status" options now appear above the attendee list to avoid having to scroll down.
  • A bug where some users were unable to create To-Dos on a locally shared calendar over WAN
  • Banner appearance in menu app for Dark Mode
  • A bug where the location field would not present suggestions of Contacts marked as organizations
  • A bug where printing in list mode would skip certain pages if the text size was set to Large
  • A bug where a meeting from iCloud would display a cryptic URL instead of the organizer's real email address
  • A bug where the left panel would scroll back to the top when reordering lists
  • A bug where all day detached events from exchange would at times would ignore the originally assigned timezone
  • Tentative day colors in the availability viewer for Dark Mode
  • Improved handling of time-outs from Exchange when using push sync with multiple delegates
  • Improved detection and correction of malformed recurrence rules in calendar subscriptions
  • When printing Day view, the To-do list is now automatically hidden when there are no tasks to print
  • Day / Week view now display the text "DST" for the DST transition hour for clarity
  • Custom travel time input now accepts decimal numbers, such as "2.5 hours"
  • Added automatic handling of invites when coming from @me.com for users still on @mac.com
  • Collapsed calendar groups no longer automatically expand when selecting events in the calendar
  • Performance improvements
  • Ongoing stability improvements

Version 3.6.9:

  • New: Day view now displays an attached graphic on all days of a multi-day event
  • New: New Appearance option to display attached graphics on all days of a multi-day event / banner
  • New: Advanced setting added to preferences to turn off automatic conversion between GMT to Local timezone during sync
  • Fixes an issue where deleting an occurence of a recurring meeting, imported directly from mail, would result in deleting the whole series
  • Duplicating a detached instance of a recurring event into a normal event is now possible without duplicating the whole series of repeating events
  • Duplicating recurring events will now prompt if you'd like to duplicate the selected event or future repeating events
  • Added support for CalDAV servers that omit sending calendar descriptions at times
  • Improved detection of changes from subscribed calendars that don't update modification times
  • Fixed "last modified by" name parsing to work with recent iCloud changes
  • Fixed initial discovery issues for OVH Exchange servers
  • Fixed an issue where certain preferences would not stick when switching between Smart Filters
  • Fixed a bug where turning off time display would show times for events on non-local timezones
  • Event-search related optimizations for contacts with company names
  • Ongoing stability improvements

Version 3.6.2:

  • Appearance preferences now automatically sync between multiple macs you own
  • HTML notes are now rendered as HTML where possible
  • When copying multiple recurring events, you can now prevent the change confirmation prompt from showing repeatedly
  • Faster WebDAV calendar sync
  • Events received in GMT now no longer automatically get converted to the local timezone
  • Ongoing stability improvements
  • Support for CalDAV servers that expect free/busy status on updated events
  • Google hangouts link detection in events
  • Discovery of shared calendars on Exchange
  • Connectivity for Synology CalDAV servers
  • Connectivity for custom Exchange accounts
  • Performance improvements
  • Display option to show tasks due in the next 2 years
  • Detection of embedded Zoom.us meeting links
  • Ability to dismiss a meeting invite without accepting / declining
  • Search results not showing dates for all-day events
  • Search results to show the correct date and time for floating events
  • Clipped date range field when editing a smart filter
  • A crash when accessing an attendee's menu options
  • Suggestions window placement
  • Caching of event titles in calendar view
  • Overlapping completed todos in Week view
  • Make plain text not working at times for text with emojis

Version 3.6.1:

  • Busycalevent://new URL handler for creating events, now supports assigning notes
  • Hold down the 'Option / Alt' key while accepting an invitation from the Inbox to accept all invites at once
  • 'Go To Date' picker now offers an additional calendar control to pick a date from
  • Right clicking on the toolbar buttons for 'Week' and 'Month' views now allows you to quickly change viewing options
  • Info panel now translates dates into local time where the timezones are different
  • Display of adjacent and overlapping events in Day and Week views
  • Processing of CalDAV meeting invites for shared calendars
  • "sync at launch" for accounts with Push sync enabled
  • Weather data retrieval
  • Detection of HTML in notes
  • .ics importing
  • Processing of delegated meeting invites from Exchange
  • Processing of large HTML notes for Exchange
  • Reporting of connectivity errors
  • Formatting of event durations in List View
  • Search results that now display both start and end times for events
  • Icon reflecting Organizer's attendance in meeting invites
  • Manual sorting of To Dos when sorting by Priority
  • Issue where drag and drop from OmniFocus would create duplicate events
  • A bug with the date picker on macOS 10.12 that would lead to a crash
  • Info panel not updating its background color when switching beteeen dark / light appearances
  • Info panel now identifies detached repeating events for clarity
  • Info panel colors due dates red for overdue to-dos
  • When deleting multiple events, you can now prevent the prompt from showing repeatedly
  • When cutting / moving / deleting multiple recurring events, you can now prevent the change confirmation prompt from showing repeatedly
  • Travel time drop-down now includes a "45 minutes" alert preset
  • "Email Attendees" now no longer opens multiple windows when using MailMate
  • "Open File" custom alarm option has been removed for iCloud. iCloud no longer supports syncing such alarms.
  • Ongoing stability improvements
  • Event titles now display more text vertically in day and week views when event times are turned off
Version 3.5.7:
  • Weather Underground has retired its service. BusyCal weather updates are now powered by Dark Sky, which provides more accurate weather forecasts. It's also now easier to perform a city / town / zip-code lookup in preferences.
  • Improved handling of CalDAV meeting invitations where these wouldn't otherwise show in the Inbox
  • Completed todos with due times now show at their original due times instead of in the all-day section. This behavior can be changed from Preferences > ToDos.
  • The "Carry forward uncompleted todos" setting no longer includes completed todos
  • Updates to events with pending invites are now automatically synced to the server
  • Meeting invitations sent to group calendar on Exchange, no longer appear in the Inbox when you're not invited
  • WebEx meeting links inserted by google are no longer stripped out
  • Extra details related to an embedded Hangouts call, hidden by default, can now be seen by clicking on a (i) button next to the Join Hangout Call link.
  • Improvements to accounts preferences
  • Several CalDAV servers (including iCloud) reject accepting Todos containing custom alarms with 'Open file' attachments / URLs. This option has now been disabled.
  • Improved display of event tiles using custom condensed fonts
  • Fixed a bug where the To-do list would not at times refresh if 'Show Completed Todos' was set to 'In Calendar Range'
  • Fixed a bug where alerts would not fire for some unselected calendars
  • Fix for Outlook and Airmail opening multiple windows when using the "Email attendees" option
  • Performance improvements
  • Ongoing stability improvements
Version 3.5.4:
  • Improved handling of notes containing HTML in Dark Mode
  • Fixed an issue where changing the title of an event and selecting "Only This Event" would result in "Change All"
  • Fixed a bug in the floating Info Panel where notes wouldn't get updated at times between selection of events
  • Fixed overlapping timezone titles in week view when a secondary timezone got selecte
  • Ongoing stability improvements
BusyCal Mac 破解版 优秀的任务日历工具-麦氪派
BusyCal Mac 破解版 优秀的任务日历工具-麦氪派
BusyCal Mac 破解版 优秀的任务日历工具-麦氪派

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