Boxy for Mac 1.2 激活版 – 优秀的Gmail邮件客户端


2016-06-30 3,990 百度已收录

应网友要求更新。Boxy 是一款Mac上优秀的Gmail邮件客户端,界面简洁实用,支持Markdown、全屏等特性,很不错!

[Boxy 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币45元]

Boxy for Mac 1.2 介绍

Boxy is the first Mac client for Inbox by Gmail, built to support every Inbox feature, and to be fast and reliable, with a sleek interface that fits OS X and looks familiar to Inbox users. The app is designed by Fabrizio Rinaldi and developed by Francesco Di Lorenzo.


Version 1.2:

Note: Now requires OS X 10.11 or later.

New Features:
  • New Black Theme - We’ve been working hard on this one, we can’t wait to know what you think.
  • Mailto: link handling is back! - Click on an email link in a browser or other app to compose a new email with Boxy. To use this feature head to Boxy's Preferences and follow the instructions.
  • Avatar pictures in notifications - We check Gravatar and websites' favicons to see if an email sender has an avatar or logo, and if we find one we display it in Boxy’s native notifications.
  • Reader Mode controls - Hovering controls to quickly take action on emails from the Reader Mode (you can also use shortcuts).
  • Faster loading times! - This makes a big difference especially on slow connections.
  • New accessibility features - Users with alternative input devices rejoice! You can enable scrollbars in-app if you need them.
  • Emoji shortcut - The emoji system shortcut Ctrl+Cmd+Spacebar is now working in the email composer! We always supported Emoji but they weren’t very accessible. Now they are, have fun!
  • Lots of UI tweaks and bug fixes
  • Reader mode quits when a message is archived/deleted
  • More reliable refresh (Cmd+Shift+R)
  • Minimal Theme is not White Theme and it’s slightly translucent
  • More stability, especially on weak networks
  • App menu tweaks and additions
Boxy for Mac 1.2 激活版 – 优秀的Gmail邮件客户端-麦氪派
Boxy for Mac 1.2 激活版 – 优秀的Gmail邮件客户端-麦氪派
Boxy for Mac 1.2 激活版 – 优秀的Gmail邮件客户端-麦氪派
Boxy for Mac 1.2 激活版 – 优秀的Gmail邮件客户端-麦氪派
Boxy for Mac 1.2 激活版 – 优秀的Gmail邮件客户端-麦氪派

Boxy for Mac 1.2 下载

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