Boom 2 for Mac 1.3 破解版 – 系统音效增强神器


2015-09-18 7,567 百度已收录

应网友要求更新。 Boom 2 是 Mac上最强大的系统音效增强神器,界面 UI 完全适配新系统,功能上基于64位设计,更加的简单易用。通过 Boom,我们可以提高Mac系统的音效和增强音乐文件的音量,当你觉得你的Mac播放音乐或视频声音太小时,可以使用Boom这款软件提高音量,支持iTunes和QuickTime等播放器,还支持改善语音聊天的音效,非常实用和强大!

[Boom 2 在官网上售价14.99美元,约合人民币90元]

Boom 2 for Mac 1.3 介绍

Boom for mac这是一款Mac OS设备音量管理工具,可以让你的Mac设备音量更大,音乐更嗨。

当然Boom不仅仅提供增强音量上限功能,包括储存在 Mac 机 iTunes 资料库和磁盘上的音频和视频文件。通过将文件无缝转存,创建一个单独的播放列表后,您即可使用 iPhone、iPod touch 或 iPad 享受全新的音量增强体验。

Boom 2 is a system-wide volume booster and equalizer app that is designed especially for OS X 10.10 Yosemite.

It comes with a smart interface, self-calibrates itself according to your Mac, offers hands-on advanced equalizer controls for finer audio control and amazing audio effects for enhanced audio output. You get a personalized acoustic experience on your Mac so that your Boom 2 sounds like you. Unique.
Boom 2 is a pro audio app that:

  • Auto-Calibrates itself according to the type of Mac
  • Runs exclusively on Yosemite along with 64-bit compatibility
  • Powerfully boosts volume on a system-wide level
  • Fine-tunes any audio with advanced and precise equalizer controls
  • Enhances quality of audio output with cool one-click audio effects
  • Intelligently boosts the volume of file audio

Custom Audio Settings for A Personalized Experience: Every Mac is personal and contains its owner's personality all over it. Boom 2 customizes the sound output according to YOUR Mac. It tailors the audio so that it sounds brilliant just like you.

Powerful System-Wide Volume Boosting: Boom 2 takes a measured approach to intelligently make everything coming out of your Mac's speakers sound louder, clearer and better. You get to enjoy Spotify, iTunes, Netflix, YouTube and any other service like never before with Boom 2 making them come alive!

Precise & Advanced Equalizer Controls: Boom 2 takes it up a notch by giving you custom audio for every beat or bar that you hear. With a range of equalizer presets, choice between 10-band and advanced equalizers and additional Frequency Constrain controls, you can go all-out!

Presets and Custom Equalizers: Boom 2 gives you the freedom to choose from presets like Bass Boost, Acoustic, Pop, Treble etc. or to create your own ones.

Finer Equalizer Control: Boom 2 offers a range options for you to play around with in order to make your Mac's audio sound brilliant. You can change any band or use the powerful Frequency Constrain feature to tweak every last bit out of the audio.

Enhanced Audio Quality with Cool One-Click Audio Effects: With just a click, these effects deliver an acoustic experience akin to actually being there when playing.

  • Ambience Be alive and feel the music around you with Ambience. Hear notes from every single angle and corner, making it a live performance like no other.
  • Fidelity Be here, there and everywhere with Fidelity. Listen to crisp and sharp tones while being surprised at how clear your Mac sounds!

Intelligent File Audio Boosting: Boom 2 can make media files sound much more louder and clearer for consumption elsewhere. It allows you to boost the volume & experience Boomin' audio on other devices like Mobiles, MP3 Players, iTunes Sync and much more. It also intelligently recommends an optimal level to boost it up to!

Boom - Blow away the silence!


Version 1.3:

  • UI/UX updates.
  • Added new optional audio effects - Night Mode (DRC), Spacial, and Pitch.
  • Added VoiceOver support so that the visually impaired can also use/enjoy Boom 2
  • Added localization for Traditional Chinese
Boom 2 for Mac 1.3 破解版 – 系统音效增强神器-麦氪派
Boom 2 for Mac 1.3 破解版 – 系统音效增强神器-麦氪派
Boom 2 for Mac 1.3 破解版 – 系统音效增强神器-麦氪派
Boom 2 for Mac 1.3 破解版 – 系统音效增强神器-麦氪派
Boom 2 for Mac 1.3 破解版 – 系统音效增强神器-麦氪派

Boom 2 for Mac 1.3 下载



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