Bookends 13.1.3 Mac 破解版 – Mac上优秀的文献书籍管理工具


2018-08-27 2,196 百度已收录


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Bookends 13.1.3 Mac 破解版 介绍

Bookends Mac版可以轻松地将其导入参考 ,并直接搜索和进口从数以百计的线上资料来源。Bookends Mac版使用内置在浏览器中下载参考与PDF格式的文件,或和/或网页的点击。自动搜索pubmed让你发现的文章,尽快,因为他们出版。

  • Bookends是一款功能齐全使用方便的参考书目与文献管理工具,可轻松地从浏览器在线导入数百个附注,参考和信息管理系统。
  • 软件可使用内置在浏览器中的插件下载或通过网页点击参考各类PDF格式的文件,自动搜索pubmed发现所需的资料。强大搜查可以进一步细化键入的关键词。
  • 同时支持添加任何文件(如为PDF 格式的)参考和查看或立即打开。还有自动重命名选项。
  • 另外还可直接从page、MS Word(包括Word 2011)、rtf文件和mellel 扫描文字,文件和自动生成完成的手稿与格式正确的书目,进行文字处理。

What's New in Bookends

Version 13.1.3:

  • A preview of the temporary citation Bookends will insert updates in real-time as you enter modifiers in the Copy Citation And Modifiers dialog
  • Introducing Floating Citations:
  • With floating citations you can search your reference library, read PDF attachments, create and insert temporary citations, and more, without leaving your word processor. To use floating citations, Bookends must be running and a library must be open. The floating citation window is triggered while in another application (typically a word processor, but it can be Scrivener, DEVONthink, Tinderbox, or any other application) by double tapping a modifier key. This feature can be enabled/disabled in preferences (Scan & Bib tab), where you can select the trigger key you prefer: Shift, Control, Command, Option, or Caps Lock (Shift is the default). Refer to the User Guide (Help menu) for complete details on the use of floating citations.
  • Use Quick Add to import multiple references at once:
  • The reference identifiers (DOIs, PMIDs, ISBNs, or JSTOR URLs) must be separated with commas.
  • Import multiple references at once by dragging and dropping a single DOI or a list of DOIs on the library window:
  • DOIs in a list should be separated by Returns or commas.
  • Bug fixes:
  • Fixed several circumstances where "et al." was not italicized properly. Fixed edge cases where a space could follow or precede the open/close parenthesis in the MLA format.
Bookends 13.1.3 Mac 破解版 – Mac上优秀的文献书籍管理工具-麦氪派
Bookends 13.1.3 Mac 破解版 – Mac上优秀的文献书籍管理工具-麦氪派
Bookends 13.1.3 Mac 破解版 – Mac上优秀的文献书籍管理工具-麦氪派
Bookends 13.1.3 Mac 破解版 – Mac上优秀的文献书籍管理工具-麦氪派
Bookends 13.1.3 Mac 破解版 – Mac上优秀的文献书籍管理工具-麦氪派

Bookends 13.1.3 Mac 破解版 下载

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