BBEdit for Mac 12.1.4 破解版 – 强大专业的HTML文本代码编辑器


2018-05-25 1,566 百度已收录


[BBEdit 在官网上上售价49.99美元,约合人民币300元]

BBEdit for Mac 12.1.4 介绍

BBEdit For Mac是著名编辑器BBEdit适用于Mac OS平台版本, 用于编辑html文件, 文本文件及程序源代码, BBEdit是全球领先的专业HTML和文本编辑器用于Macintosh。具体响应的Web作者和软件开发商,这个奖项的需要,成功的产品制作编辑提供了一个高性能的功能丰富,搜索和文本操作。智能接口可方便地到达BBEdit最好的一流的功能,包括GREP图样匹配,搜索和替换多个文件(即使未开启的远程服务器上的文件),项目定义的工具,功能导航和众多的源代码语言的语法着色,代码折叠,FTP和SFTP打开和保存,AppleScript 的,Mac OS X的Unix的脚本支持,文字和代码完成,当然还有一个强大的HTML工具配套。


智能界面提供方便应用的最好的特征包括grep模式匹配,搜索和替换多个文件,功能导航和语法着色的大量源代码语言,FTP,SFTP打开和保存,AppleScript,Perl和OS X的UNIX脚本支持,词汇的支持,和一套完整的HTML工具。


Version 12.1.4:

Note: BBEdit 11的用户可以升级到29.99美元。BBEdit 10或更早的用户(包括在Mac应用商店购买BBEdit的客户)可以升级到39.99美元。

  • 在从脚本或过滤器或剪切菜单中选择一个项目时,更改了持有修饰符键(例如Shift或Option)的特性,并执行其他操作(如在Finder中显示或编辑)。
  • 修正了在多文件搜索窗口中使用的搜索源列表中的潜在错误。
  • 恢复“快速查看”在磁盘浏览器和项目窗口的工作秩序。
  • 在需要为模式警报(通常通过SFTP连接时)中断进度窗口的情况下,关闭窗口动画并延迟进度条的返回以获得更平滑的体验。
  • 修正了一个由外部“打开文件”请求提供的文件定位器没有“标准化”的情况,这可能导致通过不同路径指示相同项的定位器不被视为等价的情况;并且在引发初始的“BBEITToCoT”中固定了这种情况。报告。
  • 在运行Apple SpRepBtojc脚本时不再进行报告,因此发生了一些不相关的错误。
  • 固定崩溃,这将发生在试图存储有关最近使用的项目信息的情况下,该项目已被删除。
  • 修正了一个线程安全问题,在需要解析HTML或XML文件来猜测其字符集的情况下,可能会导致多文件搜索过程中的崩溃。
  • 固定的bug,其中Objy-C Gueisher有点过于自由,并且会被python文本中的@ CaseMead方法所欺骗。
  • 修正了“比较修订”和“比较任意修订”对话框中的各种错误,包括在修订列表中的一个项目被双击时发生的崩溃,这将在没有选择其他修订的情况下尝试进行比较。
  • 修正了Objul-C[++]函数扫描器在某些罕见情况下运行在文本末尾的情况。
  • 固定的情况下,导航栏中的功能菜单项被允许任意大,这会导致它在左侧推送项目(如文本选项和文件路径)。
  • 固定崩溃,这将发生在使用“显示项目清单”和操作所需的自动扭转打开文件夹的祖先的文件透露。
  • 在为不存在的文件或目录的“查找差异”窗口中输入路径时,跟踪斜杠有时需要键入两次。现在应该足够了。
  • 修正了一个bug,在工具条中跟踪一个小控件将在鼠标拖拽并释放到边栏的边界之外的情况下将控件置于“悬停”状态。
  • 修正了专家偏好键的错误描述,用于调整最近打开的限制。(键以nSrReNestDebug)LimITi开始,使用下划线,而不是TthssReNeTrimeTrimsSimult:I.用冒号。
  • 固定错误,其中计算在行结束转换结束了不正确的答案在文件与不一致的断线。
  • 固定的bug,其中对象类特定的附件脚本(例如,文件.SCPT)在它们应该有的时候没有运行。
  • 修正了在取消正在进行的SFTP连接时应用程序崩溃的情况。
  • 修正了一个错误,如果点击了“取消”按钮,SFTP密码提示会再次出现。(共计三倍)。
  • 在连接到SFTP服务器的情况下,在密码请求或主机密钥确认被取消的情况下,防止Mac OS 10.12上发生的一类崩溃。
  • 修正了当保存的多文件搜索项集合包含对自身的引用时,或者当两个(或更多)保存的集合创建了一个引用循环时发生的崩溃。
  • 固定错误,其中“选择所有”是在编辑菜单上启用的情况下,它不应该,并使用它(或按下CMD- A)将触发一个内部异常。
  • 修正了一些内存泄漏。
  • 修正了一个bug,在项目中创建文件夹的项目树时,需要做更多的工作。
  • 固定的bug,其中,SimaProject不会以正确的边栏宽度打开,当宽度通过“保存默认项目窗口”定制时,这一点特别明显。
  • 修正了一个错误,其中硬包装会留下一个段落的最后一行的情况下,它比包裹宽度长。
  • 做出改变以减少鼠标跟踪过程中所需的CPU(例如在进行文本选择时)。
  • 更新一些内置链接到我们的网站使用httpPS。
  • 固定错误,其中应用文本工厂从“应用文本过滤器”子菜单什么也没做(这是最好的结果,考虑到可能发生的事情)。
  • 固定错误,其中在进程输入使用一些输入源突出使用黄色突出显示文本时,应已下划线。
  • 当文本应该使用黄色突出显示时,背景颜色现在被用于暗颜色方案,以纠正可读性问题。
  • 为了提高性能,“按名称打开文件”窗口将不探索计算数据源时遇到的NoDEi模块目录。如果希望按名称打开文件,则将包含在NoDEX模块目录中的文件:
  • 默认写写
  • 固定的bug,其中脚本的打开文档/关闭文档操作的某些序列在打开和关闭之间的时间过长(或者在关闭和后续打开之间)时会表现不一致。
  • 修正了一个错误,当文件夹“排序文件夹第一”生效时,文件夹中别名(或SyLink)与其他文件夹没有按名称排序。
  • 做出了改变,以提高与未来MACOS版本的兼容性。

What's New

Version 12.1.4:Note: Owners of BBEdit 11 can upgrade for US$29.99. Owners of BBEdit 10 or earlier (including customers who purchased BBEdit in the Mac App Store) can upgrade for US$39.99.

  • Added support to the x-bbedit URL scheme for opening files, and optionally specifying line and column number.
  • Updated the built-in PHP completion tags.
  • Made a change to work around a system behavior that allows compiled AppleScripts to be searched as though they were plain text (which didn't usually end well).
  • Made a change so that the OpenPDFsAsText expert preference is correctly processed in any situation where the application needs to determine if a file should be considered text. The Expert Preferences help for this setting has also been updated to advise that this setting is now off by default, and that changes to the setting take effect the next time the application is started.
  • Fixed bugs which contributed to making Undo malfunction when changes involving inline input or non-Roman (e.g various CJKV) input methods were used.
  • Fixed bug in which SFTP timeout errors were not reported correctly (the typical manifestation was an error code 7 rather than the actual correct code).
  • Command-Period will now correctly work to cancel an SFTP connection operation which is in the process of timing out.
  • Made a change to reduce the amount of work done when logging in to an SFTP server, which improves performance over slow links or when unresponsive servers are involved.
  • Changed the SFTP client internals to work around some SFTP server implementations (I'm looking at you, Pantheon and at you, OpenVMS) which would cause failures when trying to perform routine operations, such as checking for the existence of a directory before creating it, or requesting file attributes.
  • Fixed bug in which turning on "Allow the Escape key to trigger text completion" would allow the Escape key to trigger text completion when in free mode.
  • Fixed bug in which "also in this folder" items on the Counterparts menu were out of order when the document in question was located on an APFS volume (or some other location where the natural file system order is not alphabetic).
  • Fixed a regression in which trying to open a directory located in /private (e.g. /private/etc/) would report an error rather than opening the directory.
  • Fixed regression in which items opened via FTP/SFTP were not added to the recent item history as they should have been.
  • Added let to the JavaScript keyword list.
  • Added var to the Java keyword list.
  • Fixed bug in which a -50 error would be reported when using a three-finger tap in an area where there was no text (or in which it was not possible to detect a suitable word for lookup).
  • When pasting into a new document, any language hint on the clipboard is now applied beforehand, so that no time is spent trying to guess the language after pasting (which can take a long time if the text being pasted is very large).
  • Reduced the rate of change when using a pinch gesture to change magnification.
  • The default setting for "Allow pinch-to-zoom to change magnification" (in the Editing preferences) is now off. This will reduce the incidence of accidental magnification changes on computers where a trackpad is in use.
  • If a plug-in language module is missing its BBLMLanguageDisplayName key, BBEdit will now decline to load it, rather than crashing.
  • Fixed bug in which Emacs navigation gestures didn't work in text fields in the file info popover, but instead were passed through to the document's edit view.
  • Fixed bug in which menu items revealed by the Help menu's search box would be disabled if the front window was a palette.
  • Fixed a bug in which the end of a heredoc string was not detected in some situations where it should have been.
  • Fixed a bug in which having the HTML markup button palettes open would slow the application down when more than a few document windows were open.
  • Fixed bug in which removing markers from a document did not immediately update the listing in the Markers palette.
  • Fixed a performance bug in the Objective-C/C++ language guesser.
  • Fixed case in which "New (with selection)" and "New (with Clipboard)" would be slowed down by unnecessary language guessing.
  • Made a change to shave a bit of (constant) time off application startup.
  • Fixed a bug in which typing a quote to close an HTML attribute value would inappropriately auto-pair the typed character in some circumstances.
  • Fixed bug in which the HTML syntax checker would incorrectly report that some extended mailto: URLs needed character encoding.
  • Fixed crash which would occur in the Ruby function scanner under certain conditions.
  • Added canonical to the list of values for the rel attribute for which BBEdit will not generate a warning when checking HTML syntax.
  • Fixed an API usage pattern to avoid triggering a bug in the OS (38957113/36742395) which would cause BBEdit to hang when the Universal Clipboard is in use on macOS 10.13.x.
  • Floating palettes that depend on which window or document is active are now opened at the very end of the startup process, to reduce the amount of work done by those palettes while reopening windows and documents at startup.
  • Fixed crash which would occur when trying to use the CREATION{DATE,TIME} or MODIFICATION{DATE,TIME} placeholders in a document which didn't (yet) exist on disk, such as when creating a new HTML document with a template.
  • Fixed bug in which a menu attachment on BBEdit
  • Quit would not run when the Quit menu command was chosen.
  • The "Quit" menu command is now correctly titled "Quit BBEdit".
  • Fixed out-of-bounds memory access when using "Preview in BBEdit" on a document that had no syntax coloring data.
  • If a document does not exist on disk, the CREATION{DATE,TIME} and MODIFICATION{DATE,TIME} placeholders will insert the current {date, time} rather than simply deleting the placeholder.
  • The applicationShouldQuit and applicationDidQuit attachment points will now run when the application is quit for any reason, including a normal "sleep" quit in which state is saved. (Previously, these attachments only ran when the application was set to quit without saving state.)
  • Fixed a bug in which the SGML parser (and thus the PHP in HTML function scanner) would get confused by something that looked like the end of an XML processing instruction inside of a single-quoted string.
  • Fixed crash which would occur if an error occurred while reading a file on disk during preparation of an auto-recovery snapshot.
  • Made changes to guard against a crash that can happen while attaching or removing a display.
  • Fixed event rollover and crash which could occur when trying to open multiple FTP/SFTP items at once from a project sidebar.
  • Fixed bug in which using the "Open Selection" contextual menu for multiple selected FTP/SFTP items in the sidebar would only open the first selected item.
  • Made some adjustments to the text in the Crash Reporter submission window.
  • Fixed bug in the bbedit command-line tool in which a line number specifier ahead of the requested file was not applied when opening the file.
  • Adjusted column autoresizing in the "Go to Named Symbol" panel so that the rightmost column has enough room for the line number when the font size is very large.
  • The "wrap around" search indicator now shows the direction in which the search is wrapping (based on whether it was a forward search or in reverse).
  • Fixed bug in which using the Escape key to dismiss a popover wouldn't work in cases where the popover didn't have a text field (such as the Editing Options popover, or the Info popover for an untitled document).
  • Fixed bug in which documents opened via FTP or SFTP URL from the command line along with a line number specification would not select the requested line in cases where the document was already open.
  • Made a change so that the application overrides certain undesirable settings that are globally set by the OS, such as the one that causes a period to appear when pressing two spaces.
BBEdit for Mac 12.1.4 破解版 – 强大专业的HTML文本代码编辑器-麦氪派

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