Balsamiq Mockups 3 for Mac 3.1.9 破解版 – 涂鸦手绘风格的原型设计工具


2015-10-08 4,574 百度已收录

Balsamiq Mockups 是一款Mac上强大和优秀的产品原型「草图」设计软件,新版本中增加了大量新的功能,和Axure相比,这款软件的定位在于产品设计的草图设计阶段,并非Axure的高精确的产品原型定位,所以,二者是可以配合使用的,笔者非常喜欢Balsamiq Mockups这款软件的草图组件,让人感觉非常的漂亮,除了Web设计,还支持iPhone移动应用的设计,强烈推荐!

[Balsamiq Mockups 在官网上售价79美元,约494元人民币]

Balsamiq Mockups 3 for Mac 3.1.9 介绍

和Axure相比 较,Balsmiq Mockups的特点就是快,一般来说如果对一个产品有直接的想法的话最好就是快速的绘制出草图,然后进行讨论和研究,然后再绘制精度比较高的原型。

而一 般原型草图都是用纸绘制的,缺点是不容易保存,而且因为在纸上绘制修改起来也比较麻烦。而Balsmiq Mockups的操作性和功能完全可以代替传统的手工草图绘制。


Version 3.1.9:

  • Fixed an issue in the DataGrid control when the last line of text was empty. Thanks Dorel D. for uncovering this bug!
  • Added a confirmation dialog when discarding alternates since it's not something you can undo (yet).
  • We now make a backup alternate of the official version when you promote an alternate to official, since promoting is not something you can undo (yet).
  • Improved the padding of the Button control in some configurations
  • Fixed a regression with the Tooltip inspector, sorry about that! Thanks Marcel W. and nzahavi for bringing this up!
  • Fixed an issue with images losing resolution when dragged from one project to another
  • On Windows, we now open a new empty project when you close the last project from the menu, instead of quitting the application. Thanks sgiroux for the suggestion!
  • Fixed an issue with "Learn More" links in Asset, Symbols and Trash empty states not working in our browser-based versions.
  • Fixed an issue with the official version getting deselected in the Export PDF dialog by accident. Thanks Scott_Harrington for the bug report!
  • In exported PDFs, we now properly point links to the official version's page, even if it has alternates. Thanks Scott_Harrington for bringing this up!
  • Fixed an issue with the Calendar control having days "spilling over" its edge.
  • Fixed a couple of issues with the Grid view.
  • Fixed an issue with rendering thumbnails of alternate mockups.

Balsamiq Mockups 3 for Mac 3.1.9 破解版 – 涂鸦手绘风格的原型设计工具-麦氪派

Balsamiq Mockups 3 for Mac 3.1.9 下载

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