Autodesk VRED Design for Mac 2018 破解版 – 3D模型可视化设计软件


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Autodesk VRED Design 三维可视化软件有助于确保设计零部件匹配、材质显示其预期的特性,并确保模型的功能性设计。这些软件工具可实现在产品开发的不同阶段中以及在形成虚拟样机的过程中的快速而高效的工作流。

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Autodesk VRED Design for Mac 2018 介绍

VRED Professional 三维可视化软件有助于确保设计零部件匹配、材质显示其预期的特性,并确保模型的功能性设计。这些软件工具可实现在产品开发的不同阶段中以及在形成虚拟样机的过程中的快速而高效的工作流。VRED三维可视化软件可帮助汽车设计师和工程师创建产品演示,设计审查,并与现实材料,物理相机设置,工程工具,甚至是表面分析模式的虚拟原型。利用数字化样机可视化你的想法,评估你的设计,并从物理迁移到实时虚拟原型。



3D visualization and virtual prototyping software. VRED™ 3D visualization software helps automotive designers and engineers create product presentations, design reviews, and virtual prototypes with realistic materials, physical camera settings, engineering tools, and even surface analysis modes. Use Digital Prototyping to visualize your ideas, evaluate your designs, and move from physical to virtual prototypes in real time

Autodesk® VRED™ Design software, part of the Autodesk solution for Digital Prototyping, is an interactive design exploration and presentation tool for digital modelers and visualization teams in the automotive industry. Design decisions in car manufacturing have to be made at a very early stage, as they significantly influence the production process. VRED Design enables users to create compelling imagery and animations for exploring, presenting, and communicating design ideas for efficient decision making and for further general communications. Teams can benefit from real-time design reviews, interactive aspects for design selection, and tools for exploring alternatives (material variations, shape, look, etc.).

Autodesk VRED Design for Mac 2018 破解版 – 3D模型可视化设计软件-麦氪派

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