Audirvana Plus是一款Mac平台的高品质无损音乐播放器,是一个基于原生支援无损音讯压缩编码FLAC(Free Lossless Audio Codec)的音乐播放器。
[Audirvana Plus 在官网上售价74美元,约合人民币400元]
Audirvana Plus for Mac 3.1.8 介绍
音乐爱好者对音质的要求不断提升,令音乐播放器和支援的格式推陈出新。这次介绍的Audirvana, 便是一个可提升音质的音乐播放器。
Audirvana Plus是一个在Mac OS X下使用的开源播放器,特徴是原生支援无损音讯压缩编码FLAC(Free Lossless Audio Codec),有别于MP3的有损压缩编码,它不会破坏任何原有的音讯资讯,可以完整地还原音乐CD的音质。当然Audirvana也支援流行音乐格式如 MP3和AAC。
设计上它直接连结到系统的音效输出,故在设定上也与Mac OS X的系统环境设定彻底分家,纵使播放的是普通MP3,音质上也有所提升。同时亦由于Audirvana直接连结到系统的音效输出,其他系统音效将会没有声 音。取样率(Sample Rate)会自动调整,并从记忆体取得播放内容,因此可以把来自处理器和硬碟的影响减至最低。播放时支援Playlist,也可使用Apple IR进行遥控。对音乐有要求的朋友不妨试试。
Audirvana Plus has no equalizer, no trendy special effects, just the best sounding music.
- Native playing of FLAC, libSndFile (WAV, AIFF, ...), ALAC and other quicktime formats (AAC, MP3, ...)
- Direct sound path, directly to the !CoreAudio HAL for pure bit-perfect sound
- Audio Device exclusive access mode
- HAL I/O using DAC native physical formats "Integer Mode" (instead of CoreAudio 32-bit float)
- Automatic sample rate switching
- Up/Oversampling capability
- Plays completely from memory
- Tracks are loaded, decoded and sample rate converted in a memory buffer before being played
- Minimizing CPU and hard drive activity to lessen sources of interference
- Gapless playback by using a double buffering mechanism (playing track and next track)
- Transparent split load for loading tracks of any size
- Background tracks loading/decoding (including sample rate conversion)
- Playlist (M3U and M3U8 formats) load/save
- Handles Apple IR Remote
- Automated updates downloading (using Sparkle)
Version 3.1.8:
- Fix TIDAL/Qobuz login issue with some passwords
- Make use of album ReplayGain value now provided by TIDAL
- Fix iTunes integrated mode when controlled with iTunes 12.7 and latest Remote app
Audirvana Plus for Mac 3.1.8 下载
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