AudioSwitcher Mac 破解版 音频设备默认输出快速切换工具

音频播放 版本号:2.99.5

2019-11-02 1,052 百度已收录

AudioSwitcher for Mac快速,完整地控制您在世界各地的家庭和工作室使用的所有音频设备。允许您在所有可用的输入和输出设备之间快速切换。此外,您无需更改当前输入/输出即可更改任何设备的音量。您可以快速将采样率或输出同时更改为多个设备。

[AudioSwitcher 在官网售价 0.99 美元]

AudioSwitcher 2.99.5 Mac 破解版 介绍





Quick and complete control over all your audio devices used in homes and studios around the world.

a menu bar that allows you to switch quickly between all available input and output devices.  In addition you can change the volume of any device without having to change your current input / output.

You can quickly change the sample rate or output to multiple devices at the same time.

Using the preferences screen you can choose to ignore certain devices, set a default start-up input or output device as well as it’s volume.

supports any device available to the system: AirPlay, USB, HDMI, Thunderbolt, Bluetooth etc.

AudioSwitcher is ideal if you have multiple sound devices attached to your Mac and want to be able to switch between them without having to use System Preferences.

It’s great for a home theatre set-up allowing selection of default devices (and their volumes) on start-up as well as allowing you to quickly route output to AirPlay devices in one click.

AudioSwitcher Mac 破解版 音频设备默认输出快速切换工具-麦氪派

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