Audio Hijack for Mac 3.5.1 破解版 – Mac上强大的音频录音工具


2018-07-11 1,367 百度已收录

Audio Hijack是一款Mac上强大的音频录音工具,可以录制任何音频,无论是通过麦克风,还是系统内部软件的音频都可以进行高品质的录制,比如Safari、Facetime、DVD Player等,还有各种音效插件进行后期处理,非常强大的一款录音工具

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Audio Hijack for Mac 3.5.1 介绍

Audio Hijack(是音频劫持专业)彻底改变了你使用音频在你的电脑,让你自由地听音频时,你想和你想要的方式。记录和加强任何音频劫持音频-这是您的数字音频体验的基石。

Audio Hijack将允许您记录任何应用程序的音频,从互联网流到DVD音频和在两者之间的任何地方。如果你的机器能播放它,音频劫持可以录制它。这还不是全部-音频劫持也将增强任何音频,取消行业标准的VST和音频单元音频效果,以使您的音乐听起来不可思议。录下来。加强。好好享受吧!


What's New in Audio Hijack

Version 3.5.1:

  • Critical Bug Fix: The Broadcast block now properly sends track titles to all server types, including Shoutcast 1.
  • Critical Bug Fix: The Broadcast block's support for Icecast 2 servers has been adjusted and improved, to work better with hosts including, Live 365, and more.
  • Enhancement: The Broadcast block now properly supports fully manual track title information (in addition to automatic track titles pulled from supported sources). Text entered in the "Title Format" field will now be properly embedded in the stream for listeners to see, so broadcasters can manually add now playing information on the fly.
  • Enhancement: A default station name is now provided by the Broadcast block, based on the logged-in user's name.
  • Enhancement: The Broadcast block's "Track Titles" source can now be reset, by selecting the "No Source" option.
  • Enhancement: When album artwork data is available, the Broadcast block now properly sends it to Shoutcast 2 servers. Shoutcast 1 and Icecast 2 servers don't support album artwork.
  • Bug Fix: The Input Switch block is now correctly initialized with the "A" source active.
  • Bug Fix: The "Host Name" field in the Broadcast block has been renamed to "Server Address", to reduce confusion.
  • Bug Fix: The Broadcast block's Station Logo field is now hidden when not streaming to a Shoutcast 2 server, as other server types don't support receiving station artwork.
  • Other: A separate "Broadcast" log has been added to Audio Hijack's Debugging window.
  • Other: Due to issues with problematic servers, the Broadcast block's "Auto Detect" option for Server Type has been removed. Existing setups will be switched to a fixed server type; users should verify this change.
Audio Hijack for Mac 3.5.1 破解版 – Mac上强大的音频录音工具-麦氪派
Audio Hijack for Mac 3.5.1 破解版 – Mac上强大的音频录音工具-麦氪派
Audio Hijack for Mac 3.5.1 破解版 – Mac上强大的音频录音工具-麦氪派

Audio Hijack for Mac 3.5.1 下载

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