Artlantis Studio 7 for Mac 7.0.21 序号版 – Mac上专业的3D建筑设计软件


2018-05-27 2,005 百度已收录

Artlantis Studio 是一款Mac上专业的3D建筑设计软件,Artlantis Studio 是法国 Abvent 公司重量级渲染引擎,也是 SketchUp 的一个天然渲染伴侣,它是用于建筑室内和室外场景的专业渲染软件,在国外备受好评,拥有丰富的素材库,和ArchiCAD、 VectorWorks、SketchUp、AutoCAD等软件无缝配合使用,功能非常强大!

[Artlantis Studio 在官网上售价990欧元,约8217人民币]

Artlantis Studio 7 for Mac 7.0.21 介绍


和之前的版本相比,Artlantis 5 的所有功能按钮都整合集中在一个界面中,你可以预览整体效果图,所有的工具键都触手可及。所见即所得Artlantis 产品的基本原则是实时预览:无论场景中的参数如何变化(材质,照明,环境……), 预览视图都可以实时更新。当你调整画面角度或者改变场景参数时,渲染引擎会实时生成高品质的预览视图, 为您节省大量时间。


Artlantis 可以灵活的创建和储存多样化的视图,简洁明快,得心应手。每个角度都可以创建自己的参数设置:日期,灯光,相机的角度,不同的背景等。视图列表保存且允许修改任何一个角度的参数组合。 为了优化显示设置后的所有视图,您可以点击查看屏幕左侧的视图列表,它与实时预览图有些许差异,但可保证在查看过程中不会改变视图位置。




调整相机的曲线路径,设置视图中对象的相机高度,全景无缝连接的iVisit 3D全景图像……这些任务在透视图中需要精细的调整。Artlantis的界面像它的三维可视化效果一样符合人体工程学的标准, “2D视图 ” 窗口可以实现2D模式下的参数设置。



Artlantis Studio is a unique and ideal tool for performing very high-resolution rendering easily and in real time. The new FastRadiosity engine now lets you compute images in radiosity-even in preview. Another innovative feature of Artlantis is that 3D objects and vegetation can be used directly in the preview window by simply dragging and dropping them. This enables users to work on different scenarios quickly and to simulate true virtual scenes in a real environment.


Version 7.0.21:

Render Manager:
  • Did not manage correctly the position of objects linked to each other
  • Hierarchize objets were deformed
  • Light cones were not rendered
  • The billboards were oriented differently than in Artlantis
  • Crashed if the user name of the session contained double bit characters or accents
  • Solicited the CPU too much even when it was not calculating
  • Crashed when trying to open a V5 project and gave a strange message
  • Impossible to activate/deactivate the enhanced Sky when using White Model engine
  • Crashed when opening an .atl file from version 5.0
  • When a light had a cone of 0 degree the engine crashed when switching off the light
  • Crashed when deleting a keyframe
  • Crashed when dropping animated object Man-C040
  • Error displayed at the end of a rendering in 3840x2160 with an Education license
  • All Files disappeared from hard disk after the following : import, save as atla, and export
  • Objects replaced by cubes when opening an atl file saved from an atla
Artlantis Batch Is Back:
  • For users with only one machine, you can use Artlantis Batch and render views from atl files, no need to save as atla.
Artlantis Studio 7 for Mac 7.0.21 序号版 – Mac上专业的3D建筑设计软件-麦氪派

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