Artboard for Mac 1.9.8 破解版 – Mac上优秀的矢量绘图软件


2015-08-04 3,825 百度已收录

Artboard是一款使用非常方便又实用的Mac OS平台矢量绘图工具。Artboard拥有个性丰富的画板界面,内置超过1700多种绚丽风格和可编辑的矢量剪贴画,可进行商标、海报、平面图、技术图纸、Web图形、时装等等项目设计。

[Artboard 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币198元]


Artboard for Mac 1.9.8 破解版 – Mac上优秀的矢量绘图软件-麦氪派


  • Some further tweaks to appearance for OS X 10.10 Yosemite.
  • New set of flatter-styled icons.
  • EPS images that are used as sources for image shapes or style elements are now preserved as EPS rather than rasterized to TIFF when saved (i.e. as PDF has always been treated).
  • The default shape for the regular polygon and stamp tools is now a 5-pointed star as intended and not a 10-sided polygon.
  • SVG import now imports images directly embedded in the SVG stream.
Bug Fixes:
  • OS X 10.10 Yosemite changed the way that the pinch-to-zoom trackpad gesture was processed. This resulted in extremely poor performance for many apps, including Artboard. OS X 10.10.2 addressed this issue so if you are using 10.10 we strongly recommend updating to this latest update.
  • A problem where an image shape with no image would cause the file containing it to become unopenable was fixed. This was a difficult situation to get into, but if you do manage it, it's now benign.
  • A problem where shadows could be rendered incorrectly when exporting to a raster format such as PNG was fixed.
  • A problem where files having the extension .artb could not be opened when they were really another format was fixed. These files could be created by an earlier version of Artboard due to a bug that was subsequently fixed, but nothing was done to allow the incorrectly typed files to be opened. Now they will be opened correctly and when re-saved (either manually or automatically) will have the correct format restored.
Artboard for Mac 1.9.8 破解版 – Mac上优秀的矢量绘图软件-麦氪派
  • 强大的堆叠方式超越了简单的填色和描边的风格,自成一家,提供广泛的壮观效果。
  • 可进行商标、海报、平面图、技术图纸、Web图形、时装等等项目设计。
  • 内置超过20多种简单直接的工具,可绘制矩形,星星,圆,直线,曲线,文字。
  • 预设模板可创建传单,请柬,商标和名片 。
  • 完美的消除图形锯齿。
Artboard for Mac 1.9.8 破解版 – Mac上优秀的矢量绘图软件-麦氪派
  • 绘制层。
  • 光滑的Bezier曲线。
  • 页和海报瓷砖印刷。
Artboard for Mac 1.9.8 破解版 – Mac上优秀的矢量绘图软件-麦氪派
  • 自动方格纸 。
  • 支持手写板 。
  • 可为Web和打印最流行的图形格式以PNG,JPG,PDF,TIFF格式支持从72到600 dpi的分辨率导出。
  • 通过图片浏览器可快速访问iPhoto图片文件夹,文件夹和智能文件夹。
Artboard for Mac 1.9.8 破解版 – Mac上优秀的矢量绘图软件-麦氪派


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