Art Text for Mac 3.0.1 序号版 – Mac上实用的艺术文字和图标设计制作软件


2016-06-29 4,777 百度已收录

应网友要求更新。Art Text是Mac os平台上的一款艺术字体制作软件,可用来设计商标的LOGO,还有标题,标识,图标,网站元素和按钮,用途非常的广泛。

[Art Text 在官网上售价49.95美元,约合人民币300元]

Art Text for Mac 3.0.1 介绍

Art Text is graphic design software to create stunning illustrations, such as badges, flyers, logos, social headers and icons, text mockups, website graphics and buttons, picture captions, word art, and 3D text. Both professional designers and amateurs will be amazed by the selection of tools and diverse content collections, all in a slick and intuitive interface.

  • Customizable Templates - 70+ ready-made templates will help with logo design, produce beautiful word art, web elements and picture captions.
  • Fill Tools - 100 gradient presets, 540+ textures and 140+ shading materials.
  • 2D Effects - Adjustable shadow and glow effects, over 30 masks.
  • Graphic Content - 750+ vector icons, symbols and shapes, 32 flash, flare, sparkle and light trace objects, 570+ backgrounds and textures.
  • 3D Materials - Customize 3D materials using 200+ textures, 140+ bump map surfaces, 80+ environment map textures.
  • 3D Effects - Apply soft-edged shadow or glow to 3D objects. Use optical effect tools to make background objects out of focus.
  • Geometry Transformations - Apply 24 transformation shapes to 2D or 3D texts to bend, warp or give the text a wavy shape.
  • Sharing the Result - Share the art on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram with just one click, or export to an image file to use virtually anywhere.


Version 3.0.1:

Note: Version 3 is a paid upgrade from previous versions. Please see this page for information.

Note: Now requires OS X 10.10 or later running on a 64-bit Intel processor.

  • Improved 2D Glow, the effects now works faster and its settings became familiar to PhotoShop users
  • Added Custom Folder option for Masks and 3D textures
  • Export to PDF and EPS formats preserves vector information, unless raster effect was applied
  • Introduced the ability to convert imported vector graphics to 3D
  • Resolved the problem with small document size opening by default on computers with large monitors
  • OtheImproved save and app stability for documents with custom images
  • Fixed the issue with opening version 2 documents with custom images
  • Resolved the problem of the app not launching on computers with case-sensitive filesystems
  • Fixed the problem with changing 3D texture categories in German, French, Spanish and Japanese localizations
Art Text for Mac 3.0.1 序号版 – Mac上实用的艺术文字和图标设计制作软件-麦氪派

Art Text for Mac 3.0.1 下载

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