ArcSoft Portrait+ 3 for Mac 3.0.10062 破解版 – Mac 上强大的人像磨皮滤镜插件


2016-09-26 11,446 百度已收录

ArcSoft Portrait+ 是一款傻瓜化的针对人像照片的智能人像优化美容软件。该软件基于世界上最尖端的人脸检测技术,能将繁琐而费时的人像修片 处理过程简化到只需一次点击。同时,该软件还加入了贴心的批量处理功能,能同时处理上千张照片,让您喝着茶也能将工作做完。此磨皮软件相对于其他同类软件来说操作简单,易于上手,只要轻点几下鼠标就可以完成磨皮操作,而无需像ps磨皮等软件那样进行复杂的选区选择。

[ArcSoft Portrait+ 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币648元]

ArcSoft Portrait+ 3 for Mac 3.0.10062 介绍

Automatic Retoucher for Portraits

Portrait+ is a quick and easy tool for portrait editing, accurately recognizing faces and facial features and then automatically retouching them with presets or customized styles. Photo editing doesn’t need to be an expensive and time consuming task. Whether it’s wedding photos or school yearbooks, large numbers of portraits can be processed efficiently with stunning results.


Automatic detection with unmatched precision

  • Accurately detect faces with 24 key facial features.
  • More than 20 faces can be recognized and retouched simultaneously in one photo.
  • Auto detect all visible body skin for intelligent retouching.

Batch tools save you hours to focus on what makes money

  • Smoothly import a folder of photos or hundreds of images within seconds.
  • With one click, stunning presets can be applied to all photos.
  • Customize your presets and apply them individually or in a batch.
  • Batch export or rename photos to any folder with adjustable size and quality parameters.

Retouching, done the smart way

  • Adjust skin tone to achieve better portraits.
  • Smart blemish removal eliminates deep scars, pimples and other imperfections while simultaneously restoring the original skin texture.
  • Reshape and fine tune facial feature with a click.
  • Optional makeup kits allow you to beautify portraits.


Mac OS 10.7.3 or later, 64-bit processor

ArcSoft Portrait+ 3 for Mac 3.0.10062 破解版 – Mac 上强大的人像磨皮滤镜插件-麦氪派
ArcSoft Portrait+ 3 for Mac 3.0.10062 破解版 – Mac 上强大的人像磨皮滤镜插件-麦氪派
ArcSoft Portrait+ 3 for Mac 3.0.10062 破解版 – Mac 上强大的人像磨皮滤镜插件-麦氪派
ArcSoft Portrait+ 3 for Mac 3.0.10062 破解版 – Mac 上强大的人像磨皮滤镜插件-麦氪派
ArcSoft Portrait+ 3 for Mac 3.0.10062 破解版 – Mac 上强大的人像磨皮滤镜插件-麦氪派

ArcSoft Portrait+ 3 for Mac 3.0.10062 下载

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