App Tamer for Mac 2.3.1 破解版 – Mac上实用的延长电池使用时间的工具


2017-03-07 2,782 百度已收录

App Tamer 是一款Mac上延长电池使用时间的工具,通过降低或停止已不使用的应用所占用的CPU,能够大幅节省系统的资源,进而提高电池的使用时间,你可以通过灵活的配置,设置特定应用的CPU使用,比如Photoshop,而且不会影响正常的使用,非常实用的一款工具,经常觉得电池使用时间不够的网友一定要试试这款软件!

[App Tamer 在官网上售价14.95美元,约90元人民币]

App Tamer for Mac 2.3.1 介绍

App Tamer tames your processor-monopolizing apps and keeps them from chewing up excessive CPU time and battery life. Powered by a unique AutoStop feature, App Tamer stops each application when you switch away from it -- when you return to that app, it restarts automatically!

App Tamer is built around an attractive and clear user interface, designed for managing all your running applications with minimum distraction or frustration. With helpful displays, you can monitor the average percentage of your processor(s) being used by each app, or access a graphical history or your CPU usage. Easily enable AutoStop for any application, or limit it to a certain amount of CPU time.

Don't waste time trying to manage CPU usage on an app-by-app basis -- liberate your Mac with App Tamer!


Version 2.3.1:

  • If Spotify is playing music in the background, App Tamer will no longer stop or slow it down
  • Corrected a logic error that prevented App Tamer from correctly slowing apps that have lots of helper processes (such as Spotlight and Google Chrome)
  • When Chrome and Spotlight are slowed by App Tamer, their CPU usage is now more steady
  • Fixed several small memory leaks
App Tamer for Mac 2.3.1 破解版 – Mac上实用的延长电池使用时间的工具-麦氪派

App Tamer for Mac 2.3.1 下载

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