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Amadine 1.0.4 Mac 破解版 介绍
Amadine for Mac是一款矢量绘图软件,具有完美平衡的UI,可确保流畅的工作流程和快速学习。该应用程序非常适合插图,设计网站,用户界面,布置传单和小册子,创建徽标和图标。精确开发并注重用户需求,提供您可能需要的一切,将最疯狂的插图创意变为现实。
- 使用30多种工具进行选择,绘图,编辑,切片和打字。
- 选择和修改对象:移动,选择,套索,吸管,剪刀,橡皮擦,缩放。
- 绘制和编辑路径:笔,转换,绘图(组合铅笔和笔刷),宽度,渐变,矩形,圆角矩形,椭圆,多边形,星形,线条,弧形。
- 变换形状:自由变换,对称失真,自由变形。
- 组织画板:表格。
- 输入和编辑文本:文本(将文本合并到框中的文本),路径上的文本,形状中的文本。
What's New in Amadine
Version 1.0.4:
- Resolves a problem with the Color Picker not working properly
- Addresses an issue where the text could draw incorrectly in the text editing mode
Version 1.0.3:
- When opening a document, the program now restores its latest zoom and canvas position
- EPS files can be imported as editable vector images
- The Effects Quality setting in the Document Settings can be used to adjust on-screen drawing quality for better performance
- The Sheets panel now displays sheet numbers along with their names
- Exporting of multi-sheet documents has been improved
- The arrowhead sizes can be adjusted in a wider range
- Invisible shapes and layers are no longer included into PDF export
Amadine 1.0.4 Mac 破解版 下载
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