Alfred 4 Mac 破解版 最优秀的快速启动工具

系统增强 版本号:

2019-11-23 15,395 百度已收录


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Alfred Mac 破解版 介绍

Alfred 这是一款被称之为Mac效率神器的App,有了Alfred你甚至无需鼠标就可以实现各种操作,包括出发各种文件、网络操作,其UI界面使用方便,而且不是通过命令来实现,是开发者们和键盘刘童鞋们的神器,比之此前类似的软件——Pack和Power来说完全是秒杀的节奏。

Alfred 是OS X的艾尔弗雷德获奖的生产力应用,节省您的时间,当你搜索文件在线或在您的Mac。可使用热键,生产力更高的关键词,并在您的指尖,文件操作。


得到满意。 发现前,一组令人难以置信的强大功能,建在上面的艾尔弗雷德的强大的核心和OS X的整合

  • 单牌:15英镑(GBP)单用户
  • 家庭许可证:5个用户在同一屋檐下25英镑(英镑)
  • 超级支持:30英镑(英镑)用户终身免费升级

What's New in Alfred

Version 4.0.3:

  • Ensure Alfred's main window is correctly reconfigured the first time showing after a theme edit
  • Redraw theme position control on showing theme options to ensure correctly selected theme is shown
  • Refine Alfred's window snap repositioning calculation when dragging Alfred to a new position
  • Ensure the dark mode set theme is correctly pre-selected when launching preferences into the Appearance tab when in dark mode
  • Add option to use native macOS Dark Mode window rendering (for dark borders, and dark language popovers)
Switch to localised standard compare when sorting files in Alfred's file system navigation
  • Gives Finder like sort order, e.g. 1, 2, 10, 20

Full release notes for this new major release are available here

Version 4.0.2:

  • Spelling in Preview feature, "masOS" to "macOS"
  • Spelling in Welcome migration step, "Copy Prefererences" to "Copy Preferences"
  • Incorrect word in Welcome migration log, "Migrating remove" to "Migrating remote"
  • Preferences internal search results position when preferences window is in full screen mode
  • Variable substitutions in Copy to Clipboard Workflow output object when mode is set to Rich Text
  • Missing JSON configuration interface for v4 changes in Large Type workflow object
  • In additional Usage Description request texts in info.plist
  • Alfred's border rendering in macOS Dark Mode
  • File Filter workflow object file search query formulation when {var:varname} substitutions are used in the fields

Full release notes for this new major release are available here

Version 4.0.1:

Full release notes for this new major release are available here

General changes:
  • Fix Welcome Window backup and migration logs to correctly show bright text in dark mode
  • Add additional nil checking into internal search
  • Change bundle id to "com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred" for now and future
    • Future proofs major versions which will now share macOS App Support, cache folders etc
    • Removes name dependency when using AppleScript to call Alfred, now you can use tell application id "com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred" to search
    • Note: Also added a "Show Alfred" workflow object which should be used where possible instead of AppleScript call backs
  • Add "Welcome" window when first launching Alfred
    • Pre-activation of Powerpack
    • Settings backup and migration of older preferences
    • Configure macOS permissions
  • Hardened runtime support for macOS
  • Improved, higher performance application caching for Alfred's file search
  • Prevent multiple copies of Alfred from running if, for example, a workflow accidentally attempts to re-launch Alfred as a new process
  • Hotkey display will now track the current keyboard layout (i.e. ⌘L in British layout will now correctly show ⌘N when switching the keyboard to Dvorak)
  • Improve secondary-view input field / selection list text copy behaviour to match Alfred's main search field
    • E.g. allows for copy partial selected search term, or partial selected summary text from clipboard history viewer without overriding with "copy entire item" action
  • Show correct fallback text when query is dynamically updated, for example, pressing
  • after a calculation to equate the answer
  • Make 'alfred preferences' correctly match result to show Alfred's preferences in Alfred's default results
  • Standardise big hat drawing between Workflows and Remote preferences when no workflow or page is selected
  • Make QuickLook previews change dynamically when changing result item in Alfred's Default Results and File System Navigation
  • Migrate and modernise many icons into PaintCode
  • Show "this does nothing" notification when double clicking an alfredpreferences file
  • Fix locale and macOS language discovery to correctly format dates
    • Fix applies to all places where dates can be used, e.g. Snippets, Workflow placeholders, Contacts
  • Update mechanism for storing and reading preferences sync folder to prefs.json in Alfred's Application Support folder
    • JSON contains 'current' value, written at startup to help external scripts find Alfred's preferences if synced
    • Note, for the time being, the syncfolder is still written to the preferences plist for workflow libraries which may rely on this
  • Migrate remaining http links to https (to force encryption where unspecified)
    • e.g. Contact URLs, Workflow website, Remote page examples, 1Password, user proxy settings
    • Also certain labels throughout the preferences now correctly show https
Alfred 4 Mac 破解版 最优秀的快速启动工具-麦氪派

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