Alfred Powerpack 3 for Mac 3.1.1 注册版 – 最优秀的快速启动工具


2016-09-29 6,450 百度已收录


[Alfred 可以免费使用,但Powerpack功能增强包在官网上售价17欧元,约合人民币170元]

Alfred Powerpack 3 for Mac 3.1.1 介绍

Alfred 这是一款被称之为Mac效率神器的App,有了Alfred你甚至无需鼠标就可以实现各种操作,包括出发各种文件、网络操作,其UI界面使用方便,而且不是通过命令来实现,是开发者们和键盘刘童鞋们的神器,比之此前类似的软件——Pack和Power来说完全是秒杀的节奏。

Alfred is an award-winning productivity application for OS X. Alfred saves you time when you search for files online or on your Mac. Be more productive with hotkeys, keywords, and file actions at your fingertips.

Loads of app-launching, file-searching goodness - free for you to download and use with no strings attached. Alfred is the ultimate productivity tool for your Mac. Get it and see for yourself.

Get the Powerpack. Discover the Powerpack, a set of incredibly powerful features, built on top of the robust core of Alfred and integrated with OS X.

  • Single license: 15 pounds (GBP) for single user
  • Family license: 25 pounds (GBP) for 5 users under one roof
  • Mega Supporter: 30 pounds (GBP) Single User with Free Lifetime Upgrades

What’s New

Version 3.1.1:Note:If you’re using version 2.xx and have the PowerPack, upgrading to version 3.x is a paid upgrade.

General Improvements
  • Fix macOS 10.12 Sierra issue where Alfred appears to be stuck when opening a newly downloaded app for the first time. Alfred was simply hiding the macOS warning confirmation dialog.
  • Add default file search option to ignore iMessage transcripts to work around OS X bug where they are incorrectly found when ~/Desktop is in the search scope
  • Add null check on metadata file search attributes before attempting cleanup during a file search
  • Fix Calculator bug when deleting advanced = keyword with standard calculator disabled, result remains in display
  • Improved processing of array config override properties in workflows and action triggers
  • Update simulated key events throughout Alfred for improved reliability
  • Fix wording in iTunes mini player indexing view ‘Artist:’ to ‘Artists:’
Clipboard and Snippet Improvements
  • Added option to slow down simulated key events for snippet expansion which can help with older Macs, and with non-standard software
  • Added option to adjust delay for clipboard content restoration after snippet expansion
  • Updated image type recognition in clipboard when identifying data type, ensuring that images copied from clipboard aren’t treated as text (urls)
  • Improved clipboard history logic for when to ignore data from specified apps
  • Intel, 64-bit processor
  • OS X 10.9 or later
  • URL:
Alfred Powerpack 3 for Mac 3.1.1 注册版 – 最优秀的快速启动工具-麦氪派
Alfred Powerpack 3 for Mac 3.1.1 注册版 – 最优秀的快速启动工具-麦氪派
Alfred Powerpack 3 for Mac 3.1.1 注册版 – 最优秀的快速启动工具-麦氪派
Alfred Powerpack 3 for Mac 3.1.1 注册版 – 最优秀的快速启动工具-麦氪派
Alfred Powerpack 3 for Mac 3.1.1 注册版 – 最优秀的快速启动工具-麦氪派

Alfred Powerpack 3 for Mac 3.1.1 下载

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