Alfred 3 for Mac 3.4.1 注册版 – 最优秀的快速启动工具


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Alfred Powerpack 3 for Mac 3.4.1 介绍

Alfred 这是一款被称之为Mac效率神器的App,有了Alfred你甚至无需鼠标就可以实现各种操作,包括出发各种文件、网络操作,其UI界面使用方便,而且不是通过命令来实现,是开发者们和键盘刘童鞋们的神器,比之此前类似的软件——Pack和Power来说完全是秒杀的节奏。

Alfred is an award-winning productivity application for OS X. Alfred saves you time when you search for files online or on your Mac. Be more productive with hotkeys, keywords, and file actions at your fingertips.

Loads of app-launching, file-searching goodness - free for you to download and use with no strings attached. Alfred is the ultimate productivity tool for your Mac. Get it and see for yourself.

Get the Powerpack. Discover the Powerpack, a set of incredibly powerful features, built on top of the robust core of Alfred and integrated with OS X.

  • Single license: 15 pounds (GBP) for single user
  • Family license: 25 pounds (GBP) for 5 users under one roof
  • Mega Supporter: 30 pounds (GBP) Single User with Free Lifetime Upgrades


Version 3.4:

Note: If you're using version 2.xx and have the PowerPack, upgrading to version 3.x is a paid upgrade.

Clipboard and Snippets
  • Added advanced scripted text expansion using a new Workflow 'Snippet' trigger object
    • Type a snippet keyword into any macOS window to directly run a workflow
    • Dynamically create snippet content using the power of Alfred's Workflows, then automatically paste back to app
    • Enables multi-part text expansion such as form filling
  • Added new {datetime} placeholder which allows for simple combined date and time formatting with short, medium, long and full
  • Added date arithmetic to date placeholders throughout Alfred
    • Supported (Y)ear, (M)onth, (D)ay, (h)our, (m)inute, (s)econd (e.g., {datetime +1Y -2M +2h:medium}
    • Arithmetic can be stacked (i.e. add and subtract multiple days in single equation)
  • Add a new "Placeholder" helper button to the bottom left of text areas which support placeholder replacements (Workflow / Snippet / Remote) - Added insertable examples for date, time, clipboard and cursor
  • Added per-collection snippet keyword prefix and suffix
    • Allows better and faster control over how and when snippets are found and auto-expand
    • Collection prefix and suffix are edited per collection, but shown per snippet in table
    • Improved collection display in preferences, with snippet count, prefix and suffix shown
    • Prefix and suffix are exported and imported with collections
  • Added toggle to enable or disable entire snippet collections - Applies to (Clipboard) Snippet Viewer, Snippet keyword and Snippet auto expansion
  • Add batch editing of auto expansion for selected snippets
  • Tidy up the snippet collection preferences to better match Alfred's preferences
  • Added option to duplicate a snippet from the context popup menu in the Snippet feature preferences
  • Update Snippets feature preferences search to also search snippet content
  • Fix snippet keyword conflict highlighting in Snippet feature preferences table
  • Fix issue where Clipboard History could miss an entry from an app which clears clipboard content, and delays before repopulating copied data (seen with
  • Improvements and simplifications to the snippets and snippet collection framework (for performance and robustness)
  • Added context help button to Snippet Collection edit sheet, and updated help link on Collection edit sheet
  • Fix snippet placeholder processing order to prevent double processing of certain clipboard placeholders
  • Small tweak to Automatic Snippet Expansion to make conflicting keyword expansion more predictable (now always expands first matching one)
  • Ignore org.nspasteboard.ConcealedType pasteboard types for clipboard history
  • Add 'Snippet' Trigger workflow object to support new scripted text expansion feature, detailed above
  • Add workflow editor Object Alignment Guides for easier object layout, available from the workflow canvas popup menu options - Alternatively, hold the 'option' key while hovering items on the canvas to see alignment guides
  • Added option for not trimming script filter argument, for when spaces are significant to your workflow - Updated the trimming of Input Filter arguments to be more intelligent
  • Add dispatch "Count" option to the Dispatch Key Combo output object; Dispatch a key combo between 1 to 10 times - If count is set greater than 1, count is shown on workflow object in canvas
  • Output an AppleScript error on calling Alfred when the workflow id or trigger id is not found, or if the workflow is disabled - See context help for "External" Trigger workflow object for error codes
  • Fix border rendering around Dispatch Key Combo output object input field when view doesn't have focus
  • Fix tab field focusing order on OpenURL workflow action configuration
  • Fix initial focus on keyword field in Dictionary Filter input object config sheet
  • Fix unexpected behaviour when pressing - button during editing of a new workflow environment variable value
  • Fix incorrect visual selection after using insert object from the popup menu
  • Cleanly close STDIN for workflow Scripts, preventing scripts wanting standard input from waiting indefinitely
  • Update URL validation in OpenURL object configuration to be aware of variables
  • Small tweak to workflow object config sheet layout to better line up UI components
  • Ensure that the workflow list is correctly updated when a workflow is saved (e.g. last modified date)
  • Overhauled and simplified workflow import framework code, specifically with migrations
  • Update workflow script editor text area, now shows the empty script / default script suggestion as grey text
  • Improve debug output for Script Filter, showing queued and run arguments
  • Add help hint on Terminal Command config page, suggesting Run Script as alternative
  • Improve mouse tracking calculation within Workflow canvas, preventing tracking when hovering over debugger
  • Show error message in Alfred's Preferences when Alfred is unable to save a workflow (e.g. permissions issue)
File System
  • Show the Finder "Display Name" in File Actions panel for better consistency (specifically for file extensions)
  • Update global action's "File Selection" hotkey to be Alfred aware, now works within Alfred's default results and File System navigation
  • Updated behaviour track transport controls
  • Now better compatible with special case playlists such as Genius
  • Added new "back" track command, matching Apple Keyboard / iTunes intelligent behaviour of restart or previous track
  • Updated iTunes Mini Player previous track button behaviour to the new "back" behaviour
  • Updated Alfred Remote with new "Back Track" option, with associated example template
  • Updated iTunes Action workflow object with "Back Track" option, with associated workflow template
General Improvements
  • Update LinkedIn search in default web searches to latest URL
  • Add a help button next to the main Alfred hotkey, linking to hotkey help and troubleshooting
  • Fix quirk when right clicking for popup menu within Alfred's preferences when window isn't key
  • Increase auto-updater timeout interval to 60s for users on very poor network connections
Alfred 3 for Mac 3.4.1 注册版 – 最优秀的快速启动工具-麦氪派
Alfred 3 for Mac 3.4.1 注册版 – 最优秀的快速启动工具-麦氪派
Alfred 3 for Mac 3.4.1 注册版 – 最优秀的快速启动工具-麦氪派
Alfred 3 for Mac 3.4.1 注册版 – 最优秀的快速启动工具-麦氪派

Alfred Powerpack 3 for Mac 3.4.1 下载

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