AirStreamer – for Apple TV for Mac 1.5 激活版 – 优秀的AirPlay视频流播放工具


2017-08-31 2,686 百度已收录

AirStreamer 是一款Mac上优秀的AirPlay视频流播放工具,可以将Mac中的视频文件在Chromecast设备中进行远程播放,简单易用,很不错!

[AirStreamer 在 Mac App Store上售价25元]

AirStreamer for Mac 1.5 介绍

AirStreamer is a better way to play non-quicktime videos on Apple TV.

There are two ways to play non-quicktime videos (MKV, AVI, WMV...) on Apple TV now:

  • Convert them to quicktime format.
  • Download an Apple TV video player.

But all of them are inconvenient:

  • Video conversion takes a long time to complete.
  • Apple TV video player cannot play most of videos smoothly, and it also takes a lot of time to transfer video files from Mac to Apple TV or to config file sharing on Mac.

There is a more convenient way to play MKV, AVI, WMV... on Apple TV. It's AirStreamer.

With AirStreamer, no more video conversion, no more file transferring, no more file sharing configuration. Just open your video files and the video playback will start on your Apple TV.

System requirements:

  • Mac 2011 and later.
  • macOS 10.9 and later.
  • Apple TV gen 3 and later.


  • AirStreamer is BACK! AirStreamer can play videos on Apple TV running tvOS 10.2 now.
  • New "Resume playback" feature.
AirStreamer – for Apple TV for Mac 1.5 激活版 – 优秀的AirPlay视频流播放工具-麦氪派
AirStreamer – for Apple TV for Mac 1.5 激活版 – 优秀的AirPlay视频流播放工具-麦氪派

AirStreamer for Mac 1.5 下载

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