AirMagic Mac 破解版 Ps Lr无人机航拍效果改善软件

效果插件 版本号:

2019-09-08 1,040 百度已收录

AirMagic for mac是一款无人机航拍效果增强软件,支持 ps lr插件,AirMagic主要用于航拍照片,去除图片中的阴霾和增强天空效果,在各方面提升图片的质量。只需要将图片拖放到AirMagic即可改善图像。

[AirMagic 在 Mac App Store 售价 253.00 元]

AirMagic 1.0.0 Mac 破解版 介绍


Do you take photos with a drone?

If YES - you need AirMagic.

We’ve created AirMagic to fix your drone photos automatically.

It is the world's first software designed exclusively for images made with a DJI, Yuneec, Parrot or any other drone.

You don't need to spend time manually editing your aerial shots. Just load the images. And AirMagic will enhance as many of your photos at the same time as you want.

  • Boost colors
  • Reveal hidden details
  • Remove haze
  • Make sky look great
  • Fix contrast & brightness
  • And much more.

You keep full control over the resulting look.

You don't need any specialized​ knowledge to use AirMagic.

After detecting the drone camera used to produce an image, AirMagic makes lens corrections and other camera-specific optimizations. The app uses smart algorithms and Artificial Intelligence to analyze each picture, then applies adjustments such as color reveal, haze removal, and sky enhancement to make each photo look its best.

AirMagic supports all popular image formats, including raw files.

It's creative​ and unique.

Just like you!

AirMagic Mac 破解版 Ps Lr无人机航拍效果改善软件-麦氪派
AirMagic Mac 破解版 Ps Lr无人机航拍效果改善软件-麦氪派
AirMagic Mac 破解版 Ps Lr无人机航拍效果改善软件-麦氪派
AirMagic Mac 破解版 Ps Lr无人机航拍效果改善软件-麦氪派
AirMagic Mac 破解版 Ps Lr无人机航拍效果改善软件-麦氪派

AirMagic 1.0.0 Mac 破解版 下载

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