Airfoil for Mac 5.8.0 破解版 – 多平台音频同步播放神器


2018-07-24 3,148 百度已收录

Airfoil 5 是一款Mac上多平台音频同步播放神器,能够将Mac上的音乐无线传输到AirPort Express、Apple TV、iPhones、iPod、PC等设备上,在这些设备上播放,Airfoil Satellite 也非常实用,比如他可以让 iOS 上的音乐配合 Mac ,将音频同时输出到 AirPlay,蓝牙外放设备上,音乐发烧友必备的工具!

[Airfoil 在官网上售价39.95美元]

Airfoil for Mac 5.8.0 介绍


有了Airfoil,你可以从任何应用程序接收音频,并发送到机场快递单位,以及苹果电视,甚至其他Mac和PC运行翼型扬声器!传输音频从RealPlayer、Windows Media Player、QuickTime播放器,和其他媒体播放器。发送音频从基于网络的应用程序,像潘多拉,,等到机场快线。你甚至可以将音频从音频设备如radioshark,XM和Sirius收音机,你的房子周围。


Version 5.8.0:

  • Major Enhancement: Airfoil now supports streaming to Sonos's AirPlay compatible devices, including the Sonos One, Beam, Playbase, and the second generation Play:5!
  • Additional third-party AirPlay devices from Denon, Libratone, Marantz, and more are due later in 2018, and we expect that they will be compatible with Airfoil as well.
  • Enhancement: Audio capture from the "Safari Technology Preview" app is now fully supported.
  • Enhancement: Device artwork for several output devices has been improved.
  • Enhancement: The Audio Capture Engine (ACE) has been updated to 9.0.4, which includes several small improvements.
  • Enhancement: Back-end changes to device audio capture have been made.
  • Other: Another update to License window has been made.
Airfoil for Mac 5.8.0 破解版 – 多平台音频同步播放神器-麦氪派
Airfoil for Mac 5.8.0 破解版 – 多平台音频同步播放神器-麦氪派
Airfoil for Mac 5.8.0 破解版 – 多平台音频同步播放神器-麦氪派

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