Airfoil for Mac 5.6.2 序号版 – 多平台音频同步播放神器


2017-08-07 3,312 百度已收录

Airfoil 5 是一款Mac上多平台音频同步播放神器,能够将Mac上的音乐无线传输到AirPort Express、Apple TV、iPhones、iPod、PC等设备上,在这些设备上播放,Airfoil Satellite 也非常实用,比如他可以让 iOS 上的音乐配合 Mac ,将音频同时输出到 AirPlay,蓝牙外放设备上,音乐发烧友必备的工具!

[Airfoil 在官网上售价39.95美元,约合人民币240元]

Airfoil for Mac 5.6.2 介绍

Airfoil allows you to send any audio to AirPort Express units, Apple TVs, and even other Macs and PCs, all in sync! It's your audio - everywhere.

With Airfoil you can take audio from any application and send to your AirPort Express units, as well as Apple TVs, and even other Macs and PCs running Airfoil Speakers! Transmit audio from RealPlayer, Windows Media Player, QuickTime Player, and other media players. Send audio from web-based applications like Pandora,, and other to the AirPort Express. You can even stream audio from audio devices like RadioSHARK, XM and Sirius radios, around your house.


Version 5.6.2:

Note: Airfoil 5 is a paid upgrade from previous versions. Purchase information can be found here.

  • [Major Enhancement] Instant On has been updated to version 8.4.4, with important crash fixes for macOS 10.13, as well as improved logging.
  • [Other] Airfoil now has (extremely) preliminary compatibility with macOS 10.13 (High Sierra). We still recommend users stick with a fully supported version of MacOS for now.
  • [Other] Visual and reliability improvements have been made to our Extras installer window.
Airfoil for Mac 5.6.2 序号版 – 多平台音频同步播放神器-麦氪派
Airfoil for Mac 5.6.2 序号版 – 多平台音频同步播放神器-麦氪派
Airfoil for Mac 5.6.2 序号版 – 多平台音频同步播放神器-麦氪派

Airfoil for Mac 5.6.2 下载

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