Aimersoft DVD Ripper Mac 破解版 万能DVD转换器

磁盘工具 版本号:

2019-12-04 998 百度已收录

Aimersoft DVD Ripper for mac破解版是一款万能DVD视频转换器,Aimersoft DVD Ripper可让其用户翻录DVD并将其转换为多种音频和视频格式。此外,Aimersoft DVD Ripper具有出色的转换质量和高速,可让您在任何设备上欣赏DVD电影。

[Aimersoft DVD Ripper 在官网售价 29.95 美元]

Aimersoft DVD Ripper Mac 破解版 介绍

Aimersoft DVD Ripper破解版是最好,最快的DVD翻录软件,它将DVD / ISO / DVD Folder / IFO转换为200多种流行的SD和HD视频格式以及许多设备可播放的格式。

Aimersoft DVD Ripper for Mac do more than a common ripper does. Besides converting DVD movies with fast speed and high quality. It is also so kind-hearted that it offers an access for you to manage the DVD movies in iTunes with ease. With it, you can:

  • Search DVD information from the authority site.
  • Embed movie metadata while converting DVD movie.
  • Sync ripped DVD movies to iTunes Library.

After conversion, each DVD movie will embed with their own metadata, which includes the movie director, actors, descriptions, title, genre, release time, poster and more. You will get a brand-new DVD movie library in iTunes.

Aimersoft DVD Ripper Mac 破解版 万能DVD转换器-麦氪派

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