Aeon Timeline for Mac 2.1.0 破解版 – Mac上创造性思维的时间轴工具


2016-06-21 4,651 百度已收录

Aeon Timeline是一款 Mac 上的时间轴工具,可以用一个简单的直观的界面浏览和编辑我们的时间表,记录个人任务、时间管理等,具有最传统的Timeline设计,可以满足创建单个的需要。可以用一个简单的,直观的界面浏览和编辑你的时间表。当你完成后,可将数据导出到外部,它还允许你创建自己的幻想日历系统。

[Aeon Timeline 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币50元]

Aeon Timeline for Mac 2.1.0 介绍

Aeon Timeline is the timeline tool for creative thinking.

Most traditional timeline applications are designed to suit a single need: to create an attractive display of one- dimensional time. They are presentational, static, and perfectly suited to overhead slides and projectors. Aeon Timeline aims to be different. Model relationships between people and events. Divide your events into concurrent arcs. Filter events based on people, places, and tags. Zoom to view the time scale you wish to see. Navigate and edit your timeline with a simple, intuitive interface. And when you are done, export data to a range of external formats.

Aeon Timeline is also the only timeline tool that allows you to create your own fantasy calendar systems.


Version 2.1.0:

Features Included in the Restored Relationship View
  • Relationship View is vertical to optimise available space, with events represented in rows down the left hand side, and entities in columns along the top
  • View the current role and entity age for each relationship
  • Click on the intersection between event and entity to configure the relationship
  • Set your own icons for Entity Types and Roles
  • As with the Timeline View, you can view all events together or group events by type
  • Select which entities you wish to include in the view and rearrange their order
  • Sort entities by name, first appearance, and number of appearances
  • Optionally show the time offsets between each event
  • Optionally show nested parent/child events in a tree or flatten them into a single chronological list
  • Filtering and bookmarks work the same as in Timeline View
Other Improvements
  • Added optional 'NOT' in filters to reverse their effect (e.g. "NOT Color: Green")
  • Added options in Timeline Menu to sort entities by name, age, first appearance, or frequency
  • WINDOWS: Fixed problem opening externally linked files in Windows Explorer or external applications
  • Fixed potential crash closing timeline after deleting an entity
  • Fixed printing at different font scales to go to bottom of entire timeline
  • Fixed bug occurring when renaming an Entity Type
  • Fixed crash if accidentally dragging an event to be a parent of itself
  • Fixed bug occurring when renaming an Entity Type
  • Scrivener Syncing: Fixed bug where Scrivener documents of type 'Other' were changed to type 'Text'
  • Fixed display bug when exporting or printing very wide event markers
  • Fixed potential crash when closing a timeline
  • Fixed display bug in Timeline Settings where too many roles for an entity type could run off the page
Aeon Timeline for Mac 2.1.0 破解版 – Mac上创造性思维的时间轴工具-麦氪派
Aeon Timeline for Mac 2.1.0 破解版 – Mac上创造性思维的时间轴工具-麦氪派
Aeon Timeline for Mac 2.1.0 破解版 – Mac上创造性思维的时间轴工具-麦氪派
Aeon Timeline for Mac 2.1.0 破解版 – Mac上创造性思维的时间轴工具-麦氪派
Aeon Timeline for Mac 2.1.0 破解版 – Mac上创造性思维的时间轴工具-麦氪派

Aeon Timeline for Mac 2.1.0 下载

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