Acorn 6 Mac 破解版 优秀的图片编辑处理软件

图片处理 版本号:6.5.3

2019-11-21 4,601 百度已收录

Acorn  是Mac OS平台上一款比较不错的图像处理软件。如果你不想使用和安装 Mac 上巨大的 PhotoshopAcorn 是不错的替代品。Acorn 用起来都很像神器 Photoshop,是的,它的设计目标就是成为 Photoshop 的轻量替代者,拥有所有 PhotoShop 的基础工具和滤镜效果,支持图层。

[Acorn 在Mac App Store 售价 198.00 元]

Acorn 6 6.5.3 Mac 破解版 介绍


  • 使用Acorn的截图,立即编辑。
  • 将图像过滤器链接在一起,创造出惊人的效果。
  • 基于图层的图像编辑,一个行业标准。
  • 使用内置的iSight制作新的图片和图层。
  • 简单的图像和画布大小调整,只要改变窗口的大小就可以了。
  • 利用显示器的每一个像素进行全屏图像编辑。
  • 平板电脑对压力和使用平板电脑的橡皮擦很敏感。
  • 向量形状和文本层。
  • 自由形态,椭圆,矩形,和魔棒的选择。
  • 梯度。
  • 创建并应用定制的文本样式。
  • 控制每一层的不透明度和混合模式。
  • 使用Python脚本语言编写插件,以及在objective-objective中编写插件。
  • GPU提供动力。同样的图形卡可以让你的游戏体验变得流畅,帮助Acorn完成最艰难的图形操作。

What's New in Acorn 6

Version 6.5.3:

  • Fixed a problem where "Edit in Acorn" from Photos on 10.15 might not work.
  • Other minor 10.15 cleanups and fixes.
  • Fixed an issue when printing or exporting as PDF when some layers had non-normal blend modes.
  • Acorn is a little less aggressive about writing out extended attributes to remember things like the zoom scale between file opens.
  • Fixed a possible crasher in the brushing engine when using the smudge tool.
  • New hidden pref to take layered screenshots without window shadows: defaults write com.flyingmeat.Acorn6 layeredScreenshotIgnoreShadow 1

Version 6.5.2:

  • Fixed an issue where the tool inspector would sometimes draw multiple inspectors at the same time.
  • Deep color compatibility fixes for MacOS 10.15 Catalina.
  • Fixed an issue where palettes wouldn't show up correctly on MacOS 10.15 Catalina if you had multiple displays connected.

Version 6.3.3:

  • Fixed a problem where selections might show up when exporting as a rasterized PDF.
  • Fixed a problem where Acorn could (seemingly) randomly crash when moving selections.
  • Fixed a problem where Acorn could write a bad compressed PSD in certain cases.

Version 6.3.2:

  • A problem where instant alpha wasn't working on deep color images.
  • A problem where starting a new oval selection with the shift key down wouldn't make a circle selection right away.
  • Hey did you know holding down the shift key when a selection is present will add to the current selection? And holding down the option key will remove from the selection. And holding both option and the shift key will perform a union to an existing selection.
  • A problem with the brush palette where you the softness slider was enabled for brushes which don't have a softness setting.
  • Some problems making deep color images when running on 10.11.

Version 6.3.1:

  • Fixed PDF export and printing bugs
Acorn 6 Mac 破解版 优秀的图片编辑处理软件-麦氪派
Acorn 6 Mac 破解版 优秀的图片编辑处理软件-麦氪派
Acorn 6 Mac 破解版 优秀的图片编辑处理软件-麦氪派

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